Here's a comprehensive architectural flowchart that visualizes how the four main components of the Canggu blockchain interact with each other:
Quantum-Resistant Cryptography Module (top left):
Shows the implementation of CRYSTALS-Kyber for key generation XMSS for transaction hashing CRYSTALS-Dilithium for digital signatures
DAG-Based Mempool Module (middle left):
Depicts the transaction graph storage Kahn's topological sorting algorithm MEV-resistant validation processes
ZK-SNARK Processing Module (top center):
Illustrates the one-time trusted setup GPU-accelerated proof generation FPGA proof acceleration O(1) constant-time verification
Parallel Smart Contracts Module (middle center):
Shows the dual-path contract structure CPU execution path using rBPF GPU execution path using CUDA Hybrid state storage
Blockchain Core (right):
Tower BFT consensus mechanism Block generation and validation Blockchain state management 50,000+ TPS throughput capability
The flowchart also illustrates the transaction lifecycle through the system:
Transaction input stage (bottom left) Transaction processing with DAG organization (bottom center) Finalization with proof generation and block commitment (bottom right)
The connections between modules show both direct data flows (solid lines) and logical relationships (dashed lines), demonstrating how each component contributes to the overall architecture. This visualization complements the code schematics by showing how the different technical components fit together in the complete system architecture.