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BBL-381 | std repo structure + standalone makefile approach + README.…
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exequielrafaela committed Sep 18, 2020
1 parent 4fa7b00 commit a0d9dfa
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Showing 9 changed files with 198 additions and 307 deletions.
89 changes: 85 additions & 4 deletions .circleci/config.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,15 +19,26 @@ jobs:
name: Context Info Cmds
command: pwd && ls -ltra && git branch

- run:
name: Initialize Repo Makefiles
command: |
make init-makefiles
git update-index --assume-unchanged "Makefile"
- run:
name: test1-terraform-format
command: make format-check

- run:
name: Install awscli
command: sudo -H pip install awscli

- run:
name: Configure awscli
command: |
# AWS credentials dir
mkdir --parents /home/circleci/.aws/bb
sudo chown -R $USER:$USER /home/circleci/.aws
# AWS defautl awscli profile
aws configure set aws_access_key_id $AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
Expand All @@ -36,13 +47,71 @@ jobs:
aws configure set output json
# AWS dev awscli profile
aws configure set role_arn arn:aws:iam::$AWS_ACCOUNT_ID_SHARED:role/DeployMaster --profile $AWS_PROFILE_NAME
aws configure set role_arn arn:aws:iam::$AWS_ACCOUNT_ID_DEV:role/DeployMaster --profile $AWS_PROFILE_NAME
aws configure set source_profile default --profile $AWS_PROFILE_NAME
# moving credentials to specific project folder
cp /home/circleci/.aws/credentials /home/circleci/.aws/bb/credentials
cp /home/circleci/.aws/config /home/circleci/.aws/bb/config
- run:
name: test2-terraform-linting
command: make tflint-deep

# Test 3
image: ubuntu-1604:201903-01
docker_layer_caching: false

- checkout

- run:
name: Context Info Cmds
command: pwd && ls -ltra && git branch

- run:
name: Initialize Repo Makefiles
command: |
make init-makefiles
git update-index --assume-unchanged "Makefile"
- run:
name: Install awscli
command: sudo pip install awscli

- run:
name: Configure awscli
command: |
# AWS defautl awscli profile
aws configure set aws_access_key_id $AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
aws configure set aws_secret_access_key $AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
aws configure set region us-east-1
aws configure set output json
# AWS dev awscli profile
aws configure set role_arn arn:aws:iam::$AWS_ACCOUNT_ID_DEV:role/DeployMaster --profile $AWS_PROFILE_NAME
aws configure set source_profile default --profile $AWS_PROFILE_NAME
# moving credentials to specific project folder
mkdir --parents /home/circleci/.aws/bb
cp /home/circleci/.aws/credentials /home/circleci/.aws/bb/credentials
cp /home/circleci/.aws/config /home/circleci/.aws/bb/config
- run:
name: Test AWS permissions
command: aws ec2 describe-instances --region us-east-1 --profile $AWS_PROFILE_NAME

- run:
name: test3-terratests-dep-init
command: make terratest-dep-init

- run:
name: test3-terratests-go-test
command: make terratest-go-test

# Release
Expand All @@ -61,6 +130,12 @@ jobs:
name: Context Info Cmds
command: pwd && ls -ltra && git branch

- run:
name: Initialize Repo Makefiles
command: |
make init-makefiles
git update-index --assume-unchanged "Makefile"
- run:
name: Release New Version
command: |
Expand All @@ -70,7 +145,7 @@ jobs:
echo "==============================================================================================="
git config --global "$GIT_USER_EMAIL"
git config --global "$GIT_USER_NAME"
make -f Makefile.release release-$VERSION_NUMBER-with-changelog-circleci
make release-$VERSION_NUMBER-with-changelog-circleci
echo "==============================================================================================="
echo "Changes in working directory pending to be pushed - please check 'git status' cmd output below "
Expand All @@ -92,6 +167,12 @@ workflows:
ignore: # only branches matching the below regex filters will run
- master
# - test-e2e-terratests:
# context: binbashar-org-global-context
# filters:
# branches:
# ignore: # only branches matching the below regex filters will run
# - master
- release-version-with-changelog:
context: binbashar-org-global-context
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions .github/CODEOWNERS
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# Use this file to define individuals or teams that are responsible for code in a repository.
# Read more: <>

* @binbashar/leverage-project-terraform-admin
* @binbashar/leverage-project-terraform-dev
* @binbashar/leverage-ref-architecture-aws-admin
* @binbashar/leverage-ref-architecture-aws-dev
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ assignees: ''

## Describe the Feature

A clear and concise description of what the bug is.
A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

## Expected Behavior

Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions .github/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,11 +3,11 @@
* Use bullet points to be concise and to the point.

## why
* Provide the justifications for the changes (e.g. business case).
* Provide the justifications for the changes (e.g. business case).
* Describe why these changes were made (e.g. why do these commits fix the problem?)
* Use bullet points to be concise and to the point.

## references
* Link to any supporting github issues or helpful documentation to add some context (e.g. stackoverflow).
* Link to any supporting github issues or helpful documentation to add some context (e.g. stackoverflow).
* Use `closes #123`, if this PR closes a GitHub issue `#123`

15 changes: 13 additions & 2 deletions .gitignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,7 +8,8 @@
Expand All @@ -19,6 +20,7 @@

# OS generated files #
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -79,9 +81,18 @@ Thumbs.db

# TF Project files #
# Project files #
# Secret Files
# Scripts and Makefiles
# Compiled files
Expand Down
124 changes: 18 additions & 106 deletions Makefile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,116 +1,28 @@
.PHONY: help
SHELL := /bin/bash
LOCAL_OS_USER := $(shell whoami)
LOCAL_OS_SSH_DIR := ~/.ssh
LOCAL_OS_GIT_CONF_DIR := ~/.gitconfig

# localhost aws-iam-profile
# LOCAL_OS_AWS_PROFILE := bb-shared-deploymaster
# ci aws-iam-profile
LOCAL_OS_AWS_PROFILE := "bb-dev-deploymaster"
LOCAL_OS_AWS_REGION := us-east-1

TF_PWD_DIR := $(shell pwd)
TF_VER := 0.12.24
TF_PWD_CONT_DIR := "/go/src/project/"
TF_DOCKER_ENTRYPOINT := /usr/local/go/bin/terraform
TF_DOCKER_IMAGE := binbash/terraform-resources

TERRATEST_DOCKER_WORKDIR := /go/src/project/tests

docker run --rm \
-v ${TF_PWD_DIR}:${TF_PWD_CONT_DIR}:rw \
--entrypoint=${TF_DOCKER_ENTRYPOINT} \

docker run --rm \
-v ${TF_PWD_DIR}:${TF_PWD_CONT_DIR}:rw \
-v ${LOCAL_OS_SSH_DIR}:/root/.ssh \
-v ${LOCAL_OS_GIT_CONF_DIR}:/etc/gitconfig \
-v ${LOCAL_OS_AWS_CONF_DIR}:/root/.aws \

docker run --rm \
-v ${TF_PWD_DIR}:${TF_PWD_CONT_DIR}:rw \
-v ${LOCAL_OS_SSH_DIR}:/root/.ssh \
-v ${LOCAL_OS_GIT_CONF_DIR}:/etc/gitconfig \
SHELL := /bin/bash
MAKEFILE_PATH := ./Makefile
MAKEFILES_DIR := ./@bin/makefiles

@echo 'Available Commands:'
@grep -E '^[a-zA-Z_-]+:.*?## .*$$' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | sort | awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "}; {printf " - \033[36m%-18s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2}'

version: ## Show terraform version
docker run --rm \
--entrypoint=${TF_DOCKER_ENTRYPOINT} \
-t ${TF_DOCKER_IMAGE}:${TF_VER} version

format: ## The terraform fmt is used to rewrite tf conf files to a canonical format and style.
${TF_CMD_PREFIX} fmt -recursive

format-check: ## The terraform fmt is used to rewrite tf conf files to a canonical format and style.
${TF_CMD_PREFIX} fmt -check -recursive
init-makefiles: ## initialize makefiles
mkdir -p ${MAKEFILES_DIR}
git clone ${MAKEFILES_DIR}
echo "" >> ${MAKEFILE_PATH}
sed -i '/^#include.*/s/^#//' ${MAKEFILE_PATH}

pre-commit: ## Execute validation: pre-commit run --all-files.
pre-commit run --all-files

terraform-docs: ## A utility to generate documentation from Terraform 0.12 modules in various output formats.
docker run --rm \
-v $$(pwd):/data \
cytopia/terraform-docs:0.8.0 \
terraform-docs-012 --sort-inputs-by-required --with-aggregate-type-defaults markdown table .

tflint: ## TFLint is a Terraform linter for detecting errors that can not be detected by terraform plan (tf0.12 > 0.10.x).
docker run --rm \
-v ${LOCAL_OS_AWS_CONF_DIR}:/root/.aws \
-v ${TF_PWD_DIR}:/data \
-t wata727/tflint:0.13.2

tflint-deep: ## TFLint is a Terraform linter for detecting errors that can not be detected by terraform plan (tf0.12 > 0.10.x).
docker run --rm \
-v ${LOCAL_OS_AWS_CONF_DIR}:/root/.aws \
-v ${TF_PWD_DIR}:/data \
-t wata727/tflint:0.13.2 --deep \
--aws-profile=${LOCAL_OS_AWS_PROFILE} \
--aws-creds-file=/root/.aws/credentials \

terratest-dep-init: ## dep is a dependency management tool for Go. (
sudo chown -R ${LOCAL_OS_USER}:${LOCAL_OS_USER} .
cp -r ./vendor ./tests/ && rm -rf ./vendor
cp -r ./Gopkg* ./tests/ && rm -rf ./Gopkg*

terratest-go-test: ## Run E2E terratests
${TERRATEST_GO_CMD_PREFIX} test -timeout 20m
sudo chown -R ${LOCAL_OS_USER}:${LOCAL_OS_USER} .
## IMPORTANT: Automatically managed
## Must NOT UNCOMMENT the #include lines below
include ${MAKEFILES_DIR}/circleci/
include ${MAKEFILES_DIR}/release-mgmt/
include ${MAKEFILES_DIR}/terraform13/
include ${MAKEFILES_DIR}/terratest13/

circleci-validate-config: ## Validate A CircleCI Config (
circleci config validate .circleci/config.yml

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