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A node.js express engine for creating GraphQL server easily, with base standardization and common types

Getting Started

This module exposes 2 fields: RunGraphQLServer method and the CommonEntities object. Every "polaris" entity is an object with the following fields:

  • typeDefs: string representation of the type definitions required by this entity.
    • for example, a Book entity definition will be supplied to typeDefs. type Book { id: string, name: string }
  • resolvers: an object that holds the resolver functions for this entity, as defined in GraphQL-Tools.
  • schemaDirectives: an object that holds the directives functions for this entity, as defined in GraphQL-Tools. The schema is a "polaris" entity by itself.

In order to run the server, you can use the following code:

const {RunGraphQLServer} = require('@enigmatis/polaris');
const Schema = require('./schema/schema');
RunGraphQLServer(Schema, 3000);

Where schema is your executable schema as defined by GraphQL-Tools.

The RunGraphQLServer function's arguments are the executable schema and the port you want to run your service on.

Attention - do not execute makeExecutableSchema(schema) - We will do this for you. You should supply the schema before the making.

An example of a schema

The schema.js file will look like this:

const {merge} = require('lodash');

// Get the Query Root object
const Query = require('./entities/query/rootQuery');

// Get the Mutation Root object
const Mutation = require('./entities/mutation/rootMutation');

// Create the schema definition
const SchemaDefinition = `schema {query: Query, mutation: Mutation}`;

// Create the schema mutationResolvers
const resolvers = merge(Query.resolvers, Mutation.resolvers);

// Export an executable schema
module.exports = {
    // The schema is a combination of the schema definition, the Query types and the Mutation types
    typeDefs: [SchemaDefinition, ...Query.typeDefs, ...Mutation.typeDefs],
    schemaDirectives: Query.schemaDirectives

We are using the lodash merge function in order to merge our objects (such as resolvers).

The queryRoot.js file will look like this:

// We use book in our Query object
const Book = require('./../output/book');
const {merge} = require('lodash');
// Get the Query's mutationResolvers
const resolvers = require('../../resolvers/queryResolvers');
// Create the type Query's schema
const Query = `type Query { books: [Book] }`;

module.exports = {
    // Combine the Query type schema with the Book types schema because we use it in the Query type
    typeDefs: [Query, ...Book.typeDefs],
    // Combine the Query mutationResolvers with the Book mutationResolvers
    resolvers: merge(resolvers, Book.resolvers),
    schemaDirectives: Book.schemaDirectives

And book.js:

const {CommonEntities: {commonEntityInterface, upperCaseDirective}} = require('@enigmatis/polaris');

// Define the Book type schema
const Book = `
    type Book implements CommonEntity {
        id: ID!
        creationDate: Date,
        lastUpdateDate: Date,
        dataVersion: Int!,
        title: String @upper,
        author: String

// Get the Book's mutationResolvers
const resolvers = require('../../resolvers/bookResolvers');

module.exports = {
    typeDefs: [Book, ...commonEntityInterface.typeDefs, ...upperCaseDirective.typeDefs],
    resolvers: resolvers,
    schemaDirectives: upperCaseDirective.schemaDirectives

Where CommonEntities are entities supplied by Polaris Engine and contain some default interface for entities, or common directives you can use in your GraphQL service.


nodejs graphql engine






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  • TypeScript 99.8%
  • JavaScript 0.2%