DISCLAIMER: These are my dotfiles for bootstrapping a new system. They are tailored to my needs, and may not work for you. Use at your own risk.
For reference, my main machine is a Macbook Pro M3 max. I also have other little servers running macos and Linux. I have a Windows 11 homelab for AI research purposes, with a WSL setup there. I also use this repo for bootstrapping my own devcontainers.
The bulk is managed through chezmoi, with an interest in nix. I use 1Password for secrets management.
This script installs some tooling from the Mac App Store, so make sure you're logged in there.
Using curl:
sh -c "$(curl -fsLS https://codeberg.org/kyber/dotfiles/raw/branch/main/scripts/bootstrap_dotfiles.sh)"
Using wget:
sh -c "$(wget -qO- https://codeberg.org/kyber/dotfiles/raw/branch/main/scripts/bootstrap_dotfiles.sh)"
If you're using secrets, the script will install 1Password. It cannot do the whole setup, some manual action is needed. It will prompt you to navigate to the "developer" section. Make sure 1Password exposes the SSH agent, and that the CLI is coupled.
Open Microsoft Store. Open the library, and make sure everything is up-to-date.
Install UnigetUI:
winget install UniGetUI --source winget
Open UnigetUI and install all updates that are found.
Using UnigetUI, open the settings pane and install scoop.
Open a terminal and run the following commands:
scoop bucket add versions
scoop install main/7zip main/git main/pwsh main/scoop-search main/chezmoi main/1password-cli main/gsudo versions/vscode-insiders
winget install AgileBits.1Password
Open 1Password, and log in. Open settings, and navigate to the "developer" section. Make sure 1Password exposes the SSH agent, and that the CLI is coupled. Verify:
# this should list your 1password account
op account list
# verify that 1password can be used to log in:
op signin
Get dotfiles repo:
chezmoi init https://github.com/benc/dotfiles.git
Verify that everything is working:
chezmoi doctor
Apply dotfiles, and profit:
chezmoi apply --init
# edit dotfiles
chezmoi edit
# apply them on your system
chezmoi apply
# update system with the latest dotfiles
chezmoi update --init
# force run_once scripts
chezmoi state delete-bucket --bucket=scriptState; chezmoi apply --init
chezmoi state delete-bucket --bucket=scriptState; chezmoi update --init
chezmoi -v apply
chezmoi doctor
wsl --terminate "Ubuntu-22.04"
wsl --export Ubuntu-22.04 ubuntu-22.04-backup.tar
wsl --import Ubuntu-22.04 <InstallationLocation> ubuntu-22.04-backup.tar