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Facebook-integrated web community where users can share/borrow books with their friends. (Built with Django MVC Framework)

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Book Share Pro

Author: Ben Hurst

Version: 0.1.0


Book Share Pro is a Facebook-integrated web community where users can lend and borrow their personally owned books. Once logged in, users will have access to the shared book collections of all their Facebook friends registered on our site. Check-out requests and due date reminders are facilitated through an easy-to-use notification system.

  • Featuring "Shelf Scan" - the web's only automatic book loading image recognition tool! By loading just a single photo of their book shelf, "Shelf Scan" will parse out the text from each book and automatically load each book to the user's personal collection.

Table of contents

Technologies Used

  • Book Share Pro is built using Django Web Framework and PostgreSQL.
  • The "Shelf Scan" tool leverages Google's Cloud Vision API along with various image processing and computer vision tools (NumPy, Matplotlib, OpenCV).

Getting Started in Development

Clone this repo and setup PostgreSQL

  1. Clone this repository.
  2. In the terminal, run cd final_project
  3. Run touch .env
  4. In the .env file, paste the appropriate environment variables (ask a team member).
  5. In a separate terminal instance, run psql
  6. Run CREATE DATABASE book_share;
  7. Back in the main terminal instance, run pipenv shell
  8. Run pipenv install

Seed database and run server

  1. Run ./ makemigrations
  2. Run ./ migrate
  3. Run ./ createsuperuser and follow the prompts to create an admin account.
  4. Run ./ runserver

Configure Facebook OAuth Services

  1. In your browser, navigate to localhost:8000/admin/ and login with superuser credentials.

  2. Under Sites click on Sites

  3. In the upper right, click on Add site +

  4. In the domain name field, type localhost:8000. In the Display Name field, type Books Share. Click Save. On the top left, navigate back to Home

  5. On the admin console Home page, under Social Accounts, click on Social Applications. On this page, click on Add social application +.

  6. Under the provider dropdown, choose Facebook.

  7. In the Name field, type Books Share.

  8. In the Client id and Secret key fields, type in the App ID and App Secret from this app on (ask a team member)

  9. In the Sites field, select localhost:8000 and click on the right arrow so it appears under Chosen sites. Then click Save.

  10. Logout from the admin console.

You're all set!

  1. Navigate to localhost:8000.
  2. Login using FB Oauth.

Primary API Endpoints


Description: Renders homepage view.

GET /admin/

Description: Access to the admin console (configure OAuth, direct CRUD operations to database)

Admin Console

GET /accounts/

Description: Various endpoints provided by Django-allauth - an integrated set of Django applications addressing authentication, registration, account management as well as 3rd party (Facebook) account authentication.

GET /add/

Description: Add to your collection landing page.

GET /add/search/

Description: Standard Google Books API search view.

POST /add/search/

Description: Form submission ('query' key/value in POST body) to Google Books API.

POST /add/post/

Description: Creates book model instance with foreign key relationship to user's profile.

GET /add/scan/

Description: Renders "Shelf Scan" view.

POST /add/scan/

Description: Passes uploaded shelf image through Book Spine Extraction pipeline.


1. Profile Model

  user              foreign key
  username          string
  email             string
  first_name        string
  last_name         string
  fb_id             string
  picture           url
  friends           array

2. Book Model

  user	            foreign key
  owner             string
  borrower          string
  requester         string
  title             string
  author            string
  image_url         url
  year              string
  status            string
  data_added        datetime
  last_borrowed     datetime
  pre_save_status   datetime

3. Document Model

  user	            foreign key
  docfile           file

4. Notification Model

  type              string
  status            string
  from_user         string
  to_user           string
  date_added        string
  book_id           string

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Facebook-integrated web community where users can share/borrow books with their friends. (Built with Django MVC Framework)






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