The TruthTree Python backend
- Python 3.7
- Django 2.x
- Pipenv
- PostgreSQL 9.x+
$ pipenv --python 3.7 # creates virtual env
$ pipenv install --dev # install dependencies
$ cp .env.sample .env # configure your .env file
$ make migrate # run migrations for existing apps
$ make start # start server
$ docker build -t truthtree .
$ docker run -p 8000:8000 truthtree
$ pipenv --venv # where your virtual env exists
$ code . # start VSCode
Then select the interpreter where your virtual env exists. Looks something like this:
Starting from Scratch @ben @lantz
$ pipenv --python 3.7
$ pipenv install django djangorestframework psycopg2 python-dotenv
$ pipenv run django-admin startproject backend .
$ pipenv run django-admin startapp api
(create database)
(configure database - see
$ pipenv run python3 migrate
$ python createsuperuser --email [email protected] --username admin
$ pipenv run python3 createsuperuser --email [email protected] --username admin