Simple Cofee Shop billing app. Allows to fill basket with a products. Add addons to the products and set different options. Also programmed product catalog is available
Codeship :
- Self-developed dependency injection
- Three-level organized classes
- Factory and other patterns
- etc.
Clone the project, cd into the folder and then the src folder then run javac to compile:
git clone git://
or Use Git or checkout with SVN using the web URL
Compile console applications with demonstration of billing (may be not right):
cd cofeeshop/
javac -d .\out -sourcepath ru/*.java:ru.testing/*.java:ru.testing.cofeeshop/*.java:ru.testing.cofeeshop/**.java:ru.testing.cofeeshop.config/*.java:ru.testing.cofeeshop.controller/*.java:ru.testing.cofeeshop.domain/*.java:ru.testing.cofeeshop.productcatalog/*.java:ru.testing.cofeeshop.utils/*.java
Run the program by giving it a grammar|input file of your choosing and supplying a string:
java CoffeeShopApp
Make an executable jar file:
jar cf coffeeshop.jar CoffeeShopApp.class
Execute jar file
java -jar coffeeshop.jar