This repository contains manually inspected datasets for evaluating the different steps during the reference extraction process. All datasets consist of research papers which come from the SSOAR repository. This corpus will grow constantly.
- Number of all papers in repository: 354
- Number of German papers in repository: 254
- Number of English papers in repository: 100
- Number of processed papers up until now: 225
There are six different folders in this repository.
- 1-German_papers_with_reference_section_at_end_of_paper_first_group
- In this folder there are 105 papers in German language.
- At the end of each paper there is a reference section.
- This is the first group of selected papers for checking.
- 2-English_papers_with_reference_section_at_end_of_paper
- In this folder there are 100 papers in English language.
- At the end of each paper there is a reference section.
- 3-German_papers_with_footnote
- In this folder there are 20 papers in German language.
- These papers have some references as a footnote.
- 4-German_papers_with_reference_section_at_end_of_paper_second_group
- In this folder there are 117 papers in German language.
- These papers are the second group of papers in German language which selected for processing.
- At the end of each paper there is a reference section.
- For these papers the layouts are extracted from pdf files but references are not checked manually.
- 5-German_papers_with_reference_section_at_end_of_paper_plus_short_citation_footnote
- In this folder there are 12 papers in German language.
- There is a reference section at the end of each paper plus some short citation as footnote.
- For these papers the layouts are extracted from pdf files but references are not checked manually.
- 6-Guidelinefiles
- All guideline files will be located in this folder.
Each folder contains several sub-folders:
- Pdfs
- This folder contains pdf files which are randomly picked from SSOAR publications(for understanding how they are selected see Selection method).
- Layouts
- This folder contains extracted layout files from selected pdfs.
- CERMINE is used for Generating layout CSV files from given PDFs.
- Layout with identified references
- This folder contains layout files plus identified references and all the reference strings are annotated and checked manually.
- EXRef-Identifier is used for checking identified reference strings in layout files.
- Extracted References from Layouts
- This folder contains extracted reference strings from annotated layout files (the output of step 3).
- refext is used for extracting reference strings from layout files.
- Segmented References
- This folder contains segmented reference strings.
- references are checked and edited manually by EXRefmeta-Extractor Tool
- Merged Layout and segmented references
- This folder contains layout files(from step 3) which are merged with segmented reference strings(from step 5).
We randomly select our papers from the 33,954 available publications in SSOAR repository.
Files name are equal to SSOAR ID (For easier referencing).
For example,
refers to SSOAR ID 12826.
By searching SSOARID (file name) in SSOAR repository, you can access each paper(metadata and pdf).
- selected papers are in German or English languages. (other languages are excluded)
- selected papers are not in OCR or scanned (images) format or do not have a watermark in the background.
- selected papers contain a reference section at end of the paper or some short citation as a footnote .
- Number of References are in the range of: (3 < Reference < 50)