A Python application to poll your smart electric meter, this application uses an undocumented API for Smart Meter Texas.
Huge thanks to u/keatontaylor for the API Details, without his documentation none of this would have been possible.
It polls Smart Meter Texas to get electric meter reading every hour (can be configured to read maximum twice per hour as restricted by SmartMeterTexas). Once read it will send read data to Home Assistant
Update default config.yaml with your information mentioned below: Please update username, password, esiid, meter_number, base_url and access_token lines in the default config.yaml by removing "REPLACE" and providing your values otherwise application will not run!
level: debug # debug, info(default), warning, error, critical
log_file_name: pysmt # without extension, log extension will be added automatically
log_info_line_at: 30 # in minutes, 0: disable
smartmetertexas: # smartmetertexas.com
base_url: https://smartmetertexas.com/api
username: _REPLACE_ # Update with your username to access smartmetertexas.com
password: _REPLACE_ # Update with your password to access smartmetertexas.com
esiid: _REPLACE_ # Update with your ESSID, you can find from your electric bill or once you login to smartmetertexas.com
meter_number: _REPLACE_ # Update with your Meter Number, you can find in your electric bill or once you login to smartmetertexas.com
poll_interval_minutes: 60 # 0: disable, do not set below 30 as smartmetertexas.com will not allow reading more than twice in an hour. There is also a 24 requests per day limit that restarts at midnight.
wait_interval_before_ondemand_read_minutes: 5
force_first_read: False # if true it will attempt to read Smart Meter Texas, otherwise at poll_interval
home_assistant: # Home Assistant access details
base_url: _REPLACE_ # your Home Assistant URL/IP, no slash (/) at the end for example:
access_token: _REPLACE_ # your Home Assistant access token
ha_entity: sensor.smt_reading # home assistnat entity name to be created
Applicaton is available at Docker Hub and can be used in one of the two ways:
Run the following command:
docker run -d -v ${PWD}/:/config scadaguru/pysmtreader
- Docker Compose
version: "3"
container_name: pysmtreader
image: scadaguru/pysmtreader
- ./:/config
restart: unless-stopped
current_state: Latest reading value
prev_state: Previous reading value
difference: This is computed difference from latest and previoud reading, so if you polling once an hour it is hourly usage
unit_of_measurement: KW
odrusage: This is provided by smartmetertexas.com and most likely it is total since last day
last_timestamp: Last read time in the format of 2020-05-27 14:30:01.674