This repository contains materials for the Physiology/Bioinformatics 520: Computational Systems Biology for Physiologists
Daniel Beard
Molecular and Integrative Physiology
Office: 010-A121 NCRC
Tel: (734) 763-8040
[email protected]
Filip Jezek, [email protected]
Brian Carlson, [email protected]
Sriram Chandrasekaran, [email protected]
Course description and goals: This course provides an introduction to mathematical and computational modeling for both experimentally and theoretically inclined students, as well the currently employed strategies to investigate physiological problems with computational modeling. The 2022 course will focus on three major topics: Part 1: Introduction to Methods and Tools for Computational Modeling, Part 2: Cellular Electrophysiology, and Part 3: Biochemical Systems.
Course evaluation: The course grade will be calculated by weighing your participation in class, completion of weekly assignments and final project, each equally weighted. If a student in a course taught by the Department of Molecular and Integrative Physiology thinks a grade was unfairly assigned, they may inquire about the grade and, if necessary, initiate a grade grievance. The full policy is posted on the course Canvas site and can also be found at Please note that students must provide the instructor a written document that identifies the issue in dispute and outlines the pertinent facts, and they must request a consultation with the instructor within the first week following receipt of the grade in question.