A CLI interface for bootcdn.cn
sudo npm install -g bootcdn-cli
# Use interactive CLI
# Get the latest stable version of jQuery
# with `async` HTML attribute appended
bootcdn --async jquery
bootcdn -a jquery
# Find a specific version of Bootstrap
bootcdn bootstrap@3
# Do not wrap urls with HTML tags
bootcdn --raw bootstrap@3
bootcdn -r bootstrap@3
# Find multiple libraries at one time
bootcdn jquery@2 bootstrap@3
# Reset cache first
bootcdn --force
bootcdn -f
# Check your clipboard!
Returns a Promise to fetch libraries from BootCDN API.
Returns a Promise to fetch library names from BootCDN API.
Returns a Promise to fetch library information with the specified library name.
const bootcdn = require('bootcdn');
.then(libs => console.log(libs));
/* Map {
'bootstrap' => {
name: 'bootstrap',
desc: 'The most popular front-end framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.',
star: 99963 },
'd3' => {
name: 'd3',
desc: 'A JavaScript visualization library for HTML and SVG.',
star: 54254 },
... }
.then(names => console.log(names));
/* [
... ]
.then(bootstrap => console.log(bootstrap));
/* {
name: 'twitter-bootstrap',
npmName: 'bootstrap',
version: '4.1.1',
description: 'The most popular front-end framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.',
homepage: 'http://getbootstrap.com/',
keywords: [ 'css', 'less', 'mobile-first', 'responsive', 'front-end', 'framework', 'web', 'twitter', 'bootstrap' ],
license: 'MIT',
repository: { type: 'git', url: 'https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap' },
assets: [
version: '4.1.1',
files: [
'css/bootstrap-grid.min.css', ... ],
urls: [
'https://cdn.bootcss.com/twitter-bootstrap/4.1.1/css/bootstrap-grid.min.css', ... ],
isUnstable: false
... ],
stars: 127718
Using MIT.
Issues and pull requests are welcome.