v0.6.0: Docker toolchain rule & configuration repository rule
New Rules
docker_toolchain rule to define a custom docker toolchain
toolchain_configure repository rule to configure the docker_toolchain rule with custom attributes.
Custom docker client configuration for container_pull & container_push rules using the toolchain_configure rule.
container_pull: return the resolved digest to bazel and support overriding platform.
Incremental loading in the container_image rule uses the new docker toolchain rule to get the path to the docker executable.
Expose docker run info in container_image rule. (#505 )
container_pull: return the resolved digest to bazel and support overriding platform.
Add 'digest' field to PushInfo provider.
Replace "url" with "urls" in invocations of http_archive rule.
Fix bazel run image arg duplication (#374 ) (#586 ).
Update rules_go to 0.16.0 (#550 ).
Fix runfiles discovery (#522 ).
Improve py_image layering (#324 ).
Pass through tags to targets created by java_image (#534 ).
Update Authentication section. (#533 )
Respect tags attribute for all rules in scala_image (#527 )
Java data runfiles (#530 )
join_layers read blobs as binary (py3 support) (#528 )
Image digest output for container_image rule (#445 )
Fix an import bug in (#502 )
null_entrypoint bug fix. (#504 )
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