1-) Install Python v2.x or v3.x on your computer
2-) Set up Pyperclip library via python-pip (https://pypi.org/project/pyperclip/)
3-) Install AutoHotkey scripting software from its official website (https://www.autohotkey.com/)
1-) Create a ".txt" file that named "command" at the same folder with "copy.py" script.
2-) Edit your "command.txt" file and save the input commands that was given by your lecturer inside it.
3-) Execute your java program.
4-) Run "paste.ahk" & "copy.py" scripts respectively.
5-) Click onto your java console and lay back :)
6-) After the process, close off AutoHotkey software from the taskbar
Sample Video: https://streamable.com/5ttbok
- "command.txt" file includes the list of input commands for your java program and it has to be inside the same folder with "cop.py" script.
- Do NOT forget to run scripts in order (first .ahk script then .py) - After 5 seconds delay, the process will be started.
- Do NOT forget to click the java console that you've just executed, before start of the process.
- If there occurs an unexpected problem at runtime, try to change parameter of "time.sleep(0.2)" method (in the line 14 of ".py" script).