This repository implements an example engineering organization for a fictitious airline, KongAir. Included in the repo are APIOps pipelines for Kong Gateway and Kong Konnect. This example is meant to mimic a multi-service multi-repo environment, but is modeled as a shared monorepo for simplicity. There are 4 example engineering teams, which have their code and configurations stored in folders off the top level:
- The flight-data team owns two public facing APIs that serve KongAir's flight data information services including the routes and flights services.
- The sales engineering team owns two services that service customer needs. The customer service hosts customer information including payment methods, frequent flyer information, etc... The bookings service manages customer flight bookings and depends on the public flight-data team services.
- The experience team owns one service. This team uses GraphQL and builds "experience" APIs to drive applications. The experience APIs aggregate the other KongAir REST APIs to make a dynamic unified API for applications.
- The platform team is responsible for populating certain kong entities and apply governance rules, but doesn't own any service. It mimics the typical responsibility of a central team that manages shared infastructure, like API Gateways.
Automated APIOps processes are exemplified in GitHub Actions workflows using the Kong APIOps capabilities. There are 4 workflows defined:
This workflow stages changes for the Kong Gateway configuration. It shows how to detect breaking changes in OAS specifications, and how to run API contract testing, security testing and load testing based on an OAS specification.
- Checks if there are any changes in relevant files like specifications, configurations, or pipeline files. The following jobs will only execute if there are relevant changes.
- Checks for breaking changes in the OpenAPI Specifications (OAS) and creates an issue if any are found. This is an example issue created by the workflow:
In addition, more detailed information appears as a comment in the pull request:
- Runs contract testing using SchemaThesis based on the OpenAPI specifications of the services. Looking at the action output, you can see the result of the test:
- Runs security testing using OWASP ZAP Scan on the services' OpenAPI specifications. The result of the test will be informed via an Issue:
- Executes load testing using K6, generating scripts from the OpenAPI specifications. Looking at the action output, you can see the result of the test:
- Converts OpenAPI Specifications to Kong configurations, combines them, and creates a pull request for the changes.
- Generates and posts a changelog of differences between the previous and current OAS for all services as a PR comment.
The following diagram illustrates the jobs dependencies:
graph TD;
A[has-changes] -->|changes detected| B[oas-break];
A -->|changes detected| C[contract-test];
A -->|changes detected| D[security-test];
A -->|changes detected| E[load-test];
B --> F[oas-to-kong];
C --> F;
D --> F;
F --> G[oas-changelog];
This workflow stages changes for the Kong Gateway production configuration.
- Job:
- Stages the updated Kong configuration for production by copying the generated file, calculates configuration differences, and creates a pull request to deploy the changes to production.
This workflow deploys changes to the Kong Gateway.
- Job:
- Checks out the repository, sets up the Deck tool, and synchronizes the Kong configuration with the appropriate deployment target (Konnect, Kong EE, or Kong Ingress Controller) based on the environment variable DEPLOY_TARGET.
This workflow builds and pushes Docker images for each one of the KongAir services.
- Job:
- Checks out the repository, sets up QEMU and Docker Buildx, logs into Docker Hub, and builds and pushes Docker images for each specified service using a matrix strategy.
To run the workflows, first fork this repository into your own GitHub account.
Once the repository is forked in your own account, make sure to enable issue creation. Go to Settings and under Features, make sure to enable Issues.
Update the following section of docker.yaml to point to your GitHub packages endpoint by changing the user name in the last line:
- name: Build and push
uses: docker/build-push-action@v4
context: "${{ }}/${{ }}"
push: true
platforms: linux/amd64,linux/arm64
tags:<your_user_name>/kongair-${{ }}:latest
Optionally, enable Schemathesis GitHub app to receive test results as comments in your GitHub pull requests. To use this feature, both the token and the GitHub app are required. Obtain your token by signing up on If you have a token, create a secret and uncomment the relevant lines in the stage changes for kong workflow under the contract-test job.
Go to Settings -> Secrets and Variables and create the following:
- Secrets
- KONNECT_PAT: Your Konnect Personal Access Token
- SCHEMATHESIS_TOKEN: Your Schemathesis token in case you have a Schemathesis account.
- Environment Variables:
- DEPLOY_TARGET: Specify the target platform in which to deploy the kong configuration. Possible values are KONNECT for Kong Konnect, EE for Kong Enterprise Edition or KIC or Kong Ingress Controller.