This is a simple Elixir/Phoenix application that will act as a simple CI server as described by this article. This server will interact with the GitHub status api
Configure your GitHub credentials
export ACCESS_TOKEN=<github token>
Configure a personal access token here
Setup config data
Set the environment variable CI_CONFIG
or Create a ci_config.json
file in the root directory
Config File Format
"ws1" : {
"deployment" :"heroku",
"tests" : [["runscope", "<my url>"]],
"ws2" : {
"deployment" : "heroku",
"tests" : [["ghostinspector", "<my url>"]]
Refer to the sample config file for the example
This supports waiting for a few items
- Deployment App on Heroku
- Runscope - trigger a runscope test and wait for it to complete
- Ghost Inspector - trigger a ghost inspector test and wait for it to complete
You will need to create an Elixir application that can run on Heroku.
ACCESS_TOKEN=<github token>
HEROKU_API_KEY=<heroku api key>
SECRET_KEY_BASE=<secret key for Phoenix>
RUNSCOPE_TOKEN=<runscope token>
CI_CONFIG=<URI encoded ci_config.json file>
Generate the ci_config.json file
iex -S mix
"ci_config.json" |>! |> URI.encode
It is highly recommended to use ngrok for local development work and testing.