PS3 SOUNDLIB is a set of libraries to play PCM voices, MP3 and OGG files, using one SPU.
It uses PSL1GHT and install the libraries in PSL1GHT/lib, C Header files in PSL1GHT/include and SPU module in PSL1GHT/modules to work
Voices can be in 8 and 16 bits (signed) format, Mono or Stereo.
Voices can adjust a delay time, left and right volume, and can be one shot, infinite or updated with one callbak (to work in double buffer)
Hermes - Author
Xiph.Org - OGG support
mpg123 project - MP3 support
It is licensed under GPL v3
spu_soundmodule.bin -> SPU Module. Frequency converter / mixer of 16 voices
libspu_sound.a / spu_soundlib.h -> Sound Voices management
libaudioplayer.a / audioplayer.h -> MP3 / Ogg player / decoder
liboggplayer.a / audioplayer.h -> Ogg player / decoder
libogg.a -> Ogg library
libmpg123.a -> MP3 library
NOTE1: spu_soundlib.h and audioplayer.h contain the functions descriptions
NOTE2: spu_sound uses a background thread to work with the SPU
NOTE3: audioplayer uses other background voice to play MP3/OGG files (except when you uses Decode function)
You need the environment variable $PSL1GHT defined
cd ps3soundlib/libs
It makes and install SPU module, libs and includes
It works with one sample (fireworks) :)