You need to publish imu infoes from VREP with sensor_msgs/Imu messages
clone the repository in your ros_package directory (e.g. ~/catkin_ws/src/ros_package/ )
cd catkin_ws/src/ros_packages
git clone
compile the plugin
cd ~/catkin_ws
catkin_make --pkg vrep_plugin_imu
it will generate a shared object in your devel/lib directory.
Copy the generated library in your Vrep root
cp ~/catkin_ws/devel/lib/ YOUR-VREP-ROOT-DIRECTORY
Launch roscore, then launch vrep, and check if Imu has been successfully loaded.
Use the Imu model in the attached scene, Imu.ttt. (copy the whole model, accelerometer and gyro are in the tree)
Start your simulation.
Praise the Sun.check if imu topic is publishing
rostopic echo /vrep/imu