Tool | Description |
Homebrew | Manages applications, system-wide binaries, and vscode plugins. (Including Mise and Stow). |
Mise | Manages tools that are usually project specific (eg. nodejs version). |
Stow | Symlinks the dotfiles, so it's easy to setup and maintain this repository. |
If you want to use this repository as the template of your own environment, you should create a fork and update the configuration as you wish (starting with the files in the table below). This way you will be able to pull my latest updates while maintaining your own, personalised version of the configuration.
File | Description |
Brewfile | Contains apps, packages and vs code extensions. |
Gitconfig | Contains git configuration. Change at least the username. |
Mise | Contains the tools that I regularly use. |
After running the commands below, your whole environment will be set up and ready for work.
# Install Homebrew and the packages managed by it
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
brew bundle --file ./Brewfile
# Remove existing symlinks
stow -D --dotfiles -t "$HOME" home
# Symlink the configuration files
stow --dotfiles -t "$HOME" home
# Trust & Install the packages managed by `mise`
mise trust
mise install
You can update the Brewfile with the following command:
brew bundle dump --force --file ./Brewfile
Check out LaTotty's dotfiles too. We've been revamping our 5+ year old configs together!