- Fork this repository https://github.com/if-itb/if4050-2015-ServiceAdapter.git
- Work on your fork --> commit --> push [as many as you want]
- [When you are done OR the deadline] create pull request
Each participnats should indicate clearly the following data:
- NIM = 13511021
- Name = Baharudin Afif S
- GithubID = baharudinafif
- Install nodejs and npm
- Install all required package (npm install)
- [OPTIONAL, if wanna use gulp]Install gulp as global library (npm install gulp --global)
How to Deploy
- Pull the repo How to Run
- Open terminal and execute "gulp" or "node app.js"
- open the browser
- Open this address (http://localhost:8000/api/peserta?ps={ps}&kode={kode}&kelas={class}), where {ps} = first 3 character of NIM, {kode} = course code and {class} = class number. Example: http://localhost:8000/api/peserta?ps=136&kode=AE4080&kelas=01