Releases: badgeek/svg2shenzhen
Releases · badgeek/svg2shenzhen
Rebuild windows binary
More UX enhancement by @twinkletwinkie
Export Interface
- Adjusted the UI to be more in line with the updated Prepare interface.
- Adjusted the Default "path" to be the user's Home Path as suggested in Issue #83 by cglmrfreeman however his suggested solution to accomplish this was not feasible as it doesn't work in some OSs. The Inkscape INX default path in path fields is the extension directory itself so even if it is left blank it is not actually empty. The updated reviews the export path and if it is the same as the Extension directory it is assumed that the Folder path was left blank and throws an error reminding the user to select a folder and stops the export process.
- Shortened most of the text and added Tool Tips to all fields to provide more detail as to their function.
About Interface (Previously Help)
- Adjusted the UI to be more in line with the updated Prepare interface.
- Changed the name to reflect the content of the interface.
- Cleaned up the writing and made the links interactive.
This release are awesome contribution from @twinkletwinkie
Completely overhauled the user interface for Prepare document.
User Interface
- Added checkboxes for the individual layers that can be added to the document.
- Commonly used and recommend layers are checked by default.
- Cleaned up the UI by adding Tabs to the interface.
- Frequently used options and Layers are on the General Tab
- Lesser used options are now on the "Others" Tab.
- Disabled the Grid View that was added when documents were prepared but created a field on the "Other" tab to re-enable it if you would like
- Newly created layers will no longer be named "Layer-disabled" by default now, however you can still disable them by adding "-disabled" to the end of the layer name. A tool tip for this has been added to the "Select Layers to Use (!)" header.
- Cleaned up the source code in the .inx for the interface and the file for better readability and scalability
- In there is now a "kicadLayers" dictionary that can easily be updated and added to as necessary to create the appropriate layers in Inkscape.
- Replaced a massive block of If Statements with a for loop to create the appropriate arguments and layers.
QOL contribution by @twinkletwinkie
Inkscape Export Interface Changes:
- Changed Folder Field to be browsable for better usability
- Changed text to reflect preferred naming conventions by KiCad
- Changed Default Export to be "Module" as this is the best way to add or update art in existing projects vs Project (previously PCB) which would overwrite and potentially break existing projects.
- Changed Default DPI from 600 to 1200 for better output results, lower than 1200 often produces jagged polygons.