International Institute Of Information Technology
- Hyderabad, Telangana
- https://web.iiit.ac.in/~ayush.sharma/
SLAM-BO-G2O-GTSAM Public template
This repository contains relevant slides and examples on how to use g2o and gtsam as a backend optimisation framework.
Project done as part of Distribute system course @ IIIT-H
Automata-Theory-Code Public
Various code for following conversion : Regular Expression -> NFA -> DFA -> Regular Expression
RTL-DC-Motor Public
IoT project with the objective of controlling a DC motor in a remote lab and conducting various experiments on that.
rord_slam Public
Forked from UditSinghParihar/rord_slamSLAM framework base on RoRD descriptors for loop closures
Python UpdatedOct 28, 2021 -
PX4-Autopilot Public
Forked from PX4/PX4-AutopilotPX4 Autopilot Software
C++ BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedOct 26, 2021 -
Competitive-Programming Public
Forked from BhaskarJoshi-01/Competitive-ProgrammingThis is a practice course attempted by me from varioius sources
C++ MIT License UpdatedOct 3, 2021 -
UnsplashAPIGallery Public
Basic FASTAPI implementation for fetching unsplash gallery through certain keywords.
Python UpdatedJul 22, 2021 -
c-shell Public
This repo provides a terminal/shell similar to Linux one. Shell supports most of the basic builtin commands like cd, ls, pwd,pinfo. Also redirection and piping is also supported by the shell.
DataBase-System-for-E-Commerce-Website Public
Forked from BhaskarJoshi-01/DataBase-System-for-E-Commerce-WebsitePython UpdatedJul 11, 2021 -
A classic Brick Breaker terminal-based game written in Python3. The objective of the game is to break all the bricks as fast as possible and beat the highest score
Python UpdatedJul 2, 2021 -
Floyd-Warshal-Optimization Public
Optimizing Floyd-Warshal Algorithm Using OPENMP
C UpdatedMay 8, 2021 -
Basic-Biotech Public
The repo provide code for some basic functonalities in the world of bio-technology.
Python UpdatedApr 10, 2021 -
Linear-Programming Public
Demonstration of linear-programming for solving MDPs.
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedApr 10, 2021 -
Value-Iteration Public
Value-Iteration is one of the algorithms for generating policies of the machine learning model. The repo demonstrates its exploitation on the given problem statement.
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedApr 9, 2021 -
Optimizing-Techniques Public
Some techniques to improve the performance of a code using the example of Matrix multiplication & Floyd Warshal Algorithm.
C UpdatedMar 27, 2021 -
Genetic-Algorithm Public
Demonstration of working of Genetic-Algorithm to reduce Overfitting.
Bias-Variance-Tradeoff Public template
A python code for demonstration of Bias-Variance TradeOff concept in Machine Learning
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedFeb 24, 2021 -