Releases: axmolengine/axmol
The 2.4.0 release is a minor LTS
release for bugfixes and improvements
🙏Thanks to all contributers of axmol include financial sponsors: @scorewarrior,@peterkharitonov,@duong,@thienphuoc, @bingsoo, @asnagni, @paulocoutinhox, @DelinWorks
🙏Extremely thanks to @scorewarrior become new $3000.00/month financial sponsor, it's a very nice company.
Bug fixes
- Fix build wasm fail with
by @halx99 - Fix #2370 module 'bitop' not found by @halx99
- Fix #2371 Video freezes on the first frame when played on Apple TV by @halx99
- Fix tile animation logic to use correct time per frame by @rh101 in #2345
- Fix: when these extensions set to OFF, compiles by @blairwang in #2347
- Fix tilemap culling by @DelinWorks in #2403
- Improve build system, support select msvc toolset version by @halx99
- Improve Label: underline, strikethrough and color by @aismann in #2382
- Disable Spine references if Spine is not enabled by @rh101 in #2346
- Increase MAX_AUDIOINSTANCES value to 128 in AudioEngine by @MartinLutherSu in #2348
- Clipper2 ver. 1.5.0 by @aismann in #2350
- Remove folder DrawNodeExTest by @aismann in #2352
- Clipper2 1.5.2 by @aismann in #2360
- [Android] Allow project to specify Axmol engine root path by @rh101 in #2361
- Improve gradle by @halx99 in #2363
- Add zip in memory support by @AlexandreK38 in #2368
- Use axmol proguard file in template and clean by @AlexandreK38 in #2366
- [Windows] Ensure vertical scrolling is enabled when EditBox is in multiline mode by @rh101 in #2374
- Add Android event for Warm Start by @AlexandreK38 in #2367
- [Windows] Ensure EditBox shows text correctly when it receives focus for the first time by @rh101 in #2376
- Add Image flip Raw data vertically by @AlexandreK38 in #2369
- Committing luabindings for commit 0656f87 by @axmol-bot in #2377
- Improve site and add donate page with donate channels and sponsors list by @halx99
- Improve build system by @halx99
- Install android cmdline-tools into android sdk root
- Improve setup.ps1 on macOS
- Update live2d SDK download url
- Improve gradle scripts
- Remove unused 3rd lib: yaml-cpp by @halx99
- Fix wasm compile warnings
- Added methods to modify audio pitch by @Janglee123 in #2381
- Improve webgl render fps by @halx99 in #2379
- Add missing const qualifiers for DrawNode by @crazyhappygame in #2394
- Ensure opacity is applied to DrawNode used in Label by @rh101 in #2396
- Update button size if title renderer is changed and ignore size is true by @rh101 in #2401
- Calculate correct positions for underline and strikethrough by @rh101 in #2398
- [Android] Add a way to disable interactions on the SurfaceView by @AlexandreK38 in #2410
SDKs updates
- emsdk: 3.1.73 ==> 4.0.3
3rdparty updates
- astcenc: 5.1.0 ==> 5.2.0
- clipper2: 1.4.0 ==> 1.5.2
- curl: 8.11.1 ==> 8.12.1
- libpng: 1.6.45 ==> 1.6.47
- fmt: 11.1.2 ==> 11.1.3
- openssl: 3.0.15 ==> 3.0.16
MD5 Hash of the release artifacts
: 3FEE1585C88334106A785AC349FD98B8
The 2.3.2 release is a minor LTS
release for bugfixes and improvements
🙏thanks to all contributers of axmol include financial sponsors: @thienphuoc, @bingsoo, @asnagni, @paulocoutinhox, @DelinWorks, @duong, @peterkharitonov
Bug fixes
- Fix bit op error on lua < 5.4 by @halx99
- Fix luajit luaL_openlibs crash on android by @halx99
- Fix setup.ps1 Error in parsing PowerShell and OS versions by @halx99
- Fix cpp template scene listeners leaked by @halx99
- Fix clang-19 compile warnings
- Improve 7z cmdline compatibility
- DrawNode: new method: drawColoredTriangle(const Vec2* vertices3, const Color4B* color3) by @aismann in #2305
- Committing luabindings for commit 5c84ccd by @axmol-bot in #2307
- Correctly load resources that exist in a different folder to TMX file by @rh101 in #2316
- Update for Android by @rh101 in #2319
- Add support for the creation of layers that are set to invisible in tilemap by @rh101 in #2321
- Committing luabindings for commit 2212048 by @axmol-bot in #2323
- Issue Template: Add by @aismann in #2326
- Use correct color type to fix debug drawing in PhysicsWorld by @rh101 in #2334
- Committing luabindings for commit 3da481f by @axmol-bot in #2335
- Add more fine-grained callbacks supports for MenuItem by @MartinLutherSu in #2342
3rdparty updates
- libpng: 1.6.44 ==> 1.6.45
- fmt: 11.1.1 ==> 11.1.2
- luajit: 2.1-f73e649 ==> 2.1-a4f56a4
MD5 Hash of the release artifacts
: 782BD5642FB0E1FCCB3E2C992A42B9F6
The 2.3.1 release is a minor LTS
release for bugfixes and improvements
Bug fixes
- Fix RenderTexture internal sprite positioning and test cases by @rh101 in #2301
- Fix imgui compile and link error for wasm by @halx99 in #2297
- Fix continues drawCardinalSplines() drawing outside the control points on last control point by @aismann in #2303
3rdparty updates
- xxhash: 0.8.2 ==> 0.8.3
MD5 Hash of the release artifacts
: F3651518A2711EB886950D7A3C6E63DE
💥Happy New Year, we are happy publish this release in Jan.1 2025💥
The 2.3.0 release is a minor LTS
release for bugfixes and improvements
🙏thanks to all contributers of axmol include financial sponsors: @thienphuoc, @bingsoo, @asnagni, @paulocoutinhox, @DelinWorks, @duong, @peterkharitonov
🙏very thanks to @peterkharitonov become new $250.00/month financial sponsor.
Significant changes relative to 2.2.x:
- Add android15 16KB page size support by @halx99 in #2268
- Improve build profiles by @halx99 in #2273
- Rename
by @halx99 in #2272 - Rename
by @halx99 in #2271 - Add support to create a minmal
package for common cross platform build purpose by @halx99 - Add vs2022 preview support in 1kiss.ps1 by @halx99
- Update libclang to 19.1.6 for luabinding generator by @halx99
- Download package to
- Add build android
support viaaxmol -p android -aab
Bug fixes
- Fix Label create with long string cause random crash in windows by @halx99
- Fix DrawNode::drawPie(DrawMode::Line, thickness =1) draw a closed line (like DrawMode::Semi) wrong by @aismann in #2217
- Fix for Android build issue by @rh101 in #2225
- Fix media player by @ paulocoutinhox in #2257
- Fix android class name paths incorrect by @rh101 in #2276
- Fix renderer test case batching by @rh101 in #2291
- Improve DrawNode::drawPie() by @aismann in #2222
- Metal: enable mipmap support by @smilediver in #2235
- Add support for selecting all text in editbox via CTRL+A by @rh101 in #2238
- Ensure that git ignores build folders created in test projects by @rh101 in #2247
- Detect CTRL+A key combination to select all text in EditBox by @rh101 in #2251
- Prevent excessive calls to deleteBackward method which may cause crashes on Android by @rh101 in #2248
- Updated website. by @danialias in #2274
- Make win32 messageBox always TOPMOST by @aismann in #2221
- Add printLeaks call to alternative Win32 main method by @rh101 in #2278
- Add printLeaks call in appropriate location to help developers by @rh101 in #2275
- Remove TTF Font charCode 65535 limit by @halx99
- Allow publish from specified commitish for ci
sdks updates
- emsdk: 3.1.67 ==> 3.1.73
- AGP: 8.4.0 ==> 8.7.3
- gradle: 8.8.0 ==> 8.11.1
- android target sdk: 34 ==> 35
3rdparty updates
- astcenc: 4.8.0 ==> 5.1.0
- c-ares: 1.34.1 ==> 1.34.4
- curl: 8.10.1 ==> 8.11.1
- flatbuffers: 24.3.25 ==> 1.1.0-815e6e7
- fmt: 11.0.1 ==> 11.1.1
- oboe: 1.9.0 ==> 1.9.3
- webp: 1.4.0 ==> 1.5.0
- jpeg-turbo: 3.0.4 ==> 3.1.0
- luajit: 2.1-97813fb ==> 2.1-f73e649
- imgui: 1.90.6 ==> 1.91.6
Update guide
MD5 Hash of the release artifacts
: 31845E841FC8604B768506E5F1B686F0
The 2.2.1 release is a minor LTS
release for bugfixes and improvements
Bug fixes
- Fix curl link error on macOS
MD5 Hash of the release artifacts
: 8FB43DF6C258A25477C23010E54B2777
The 2.2.0 release is a minor LTS
release for bugfixes and improvements
🙏thanks to all contributers of axmol include financial sponsors: @thienphuoc, @bingsoo, @asnagni, @paulocoutinhox, @DelinWorks, @duong
Significant changes relative to 2.1.5:
- Enable vsync by default by @halx99 in #2118
- Improve android media player, also fix #2101 by @halx99 in #2109
- Add build on ubuntu 24.04 support by @halx99 in #2152
- No longer add sprite as child of RenderTexture by @halx99 in #2149
- API change too: remove all DrawNode setLineWidth() stuff by @aismann in #2172
Bug fixes
- Fix invalidated iterator access in
by @smilediver in #2194 - Fix label in PauseTest. by @Tosik86 in #2157
- Fix #2147 full screen incorrect on macOS by @halx99 in #2150
- Fix RenderTargetGL FBO not recreate when recv EVENT_RENDERER_RECREATED by @halx99 in #2148
- Fix EventMouse coords by @halx99 in #2141
- Fix for incorrect bits per pixel set on texture reload by @rh101 in #2138
- Fix move constructor comment in Data class by @Tosik86 in #2132
- Fix Node
not switching normalized mode if positions match by @smilediver in #2102 - Fix issue with widget positioning when using normalized coordinates by @rh101 in #2110
- Fix RenderTexture data needs to be saved to the cache before the GLSurfaceView context is lost by @rh101 in #2146
- Fix incorrect static value usage in JNI array methods by @rh101 in #2178
- Fix #2199 by @halx99 in #2200
- Fix LuaJit Compilations by @IamSanjid in #2159
- Fix #2163 by @halx99 in #2166
- Fix #2169 by @halx99 in #2170
- fix Crash Sprite when _texture null by @NgVThangBz in #2164
- Fix dangling ref in
by @smilediver in #2106 - Fix android fps issue when certain animation intervals are set by @rh101 in #2162
- Fix DownloaderCURL too many open files and other fixes by @smilediver in #2182
- [ImGui] Allow setting of custom font config to enable merging of multiple fonts and other features by @rh101 in #2085
- Update with iOS simulator build commands by @rh101 in #2087
- Remove couple bad warnings by @smilediver in #2088
- Trim trailing whitespace for files in
folder by @smilediver in #2089 - Remove the NS_AX_BEGIN and NS_AX_END macros. by @j-jorge in #2100
- Remove the USING_NS_AX and NS_AX macros. by @j-jorge in #2103
- Remove usage of the NS_AX macro. by @j-jorge in #2107
- Sprite: show stretch warning only if stretching is enabled by @smilediver in #2113
- Delay load mf.dll, mfplat.dll by @halx99 in #2116
- Remove unreferenced sprite from test scene by @rh101 in #2119
- Set RenderTexture content size on creation by @rh101 in #2120
- Update sweep.h (fix invalid UTF-8) by @aismann in #2121
- Math optimizations by @smilediver in #2115
- DrawNode V2 by @aismann in #2124
- USe everywhere by @crazyhappygame in #2134
- Refine guide by @Tosik86 in #2135
- Allow turn on/off deprecated features by @halx99 in #2136
- Math: remove and replace GP_ASSERT with AX_ASSERT by @smilediver in #2143
- Enable cache render data for webgl by default by @halx99 in #2151
- Fix some compiling deprecated issues by @halx99 in #2154
- Update DrawNode.cpp (fix #2140) by @aismann in #2158
- Add (missing) parameter 'drawLineToCenter' to 'drawSolidCircle(...)' by @aismann in #2160
- Optimize DrawNode by @smilediver in #2165
- remove DrawPrimitivesTests (Cocos2Dx) (redundant mit DrawNodeTest) by @aismann in #2179
- move ZwoptexTest to SpriteTest (better add it to the SpriteTest section as removing) by @aismann in #2180
- Update (thirdparty) by @aismann in #2183
refactoring and fixes by @smilediver in #2185- Update controller.cpp Add small hint that the DrawNode tests be "not finished": "Node: Draw (WIP)" by @aismann in #2189
- DrawNode calls: replacing Color4F with Color4B (without the 'test' folder!) by @aismann in #2192
sdks updates
- emsdk: 3.1.63 ==> 3.1.67
3rdparty updates
- glad: 2.0.6 ==> 2.0.8
- curl: 8.9.1 ==> 8.10.1
- simdjson: 3.10.0 ==> 3.10.1
- libpng: 1.6.43 ==> 1.6.44
- c-ares: 1.33.0 ==> 1.34.1
- openssl: 3.3.1 ==> 3.0.15
- yasio: 4.2.4 ==> 4.3.1
- jpeg-turbo: 3.0.3 ==> 3.0.4
- luajit: 2.1-04dca79 ==> 2.1-97813fb
- simdjson: 3.10.0 ==> 3.10.1
- rapidjson: 1.1.0-b4a6da3 ==> 1.1.0-815e6e7
- freetype: 2.13.2 ==> 2.13.3
MD5 Hash of the release artifacts
: B1F6EF0B8A31F5B224D4D0FE38677908
The 2.1.5 release is a minor LTS
release for bugfixes and improvements
🙏thanks to all contributers of axmol include financial sponsors: @thienphuoc, @bingsoo, @asnagni, @paulocoutinhox, @DelinWorks, @duong
Significant changes relative to 2.1.4:
- Add render I420 video support by @halx99 in #2050 , also fix issue #2049 reported by @SimplyJpk
- Refactor math simd by @halx99 in #2070, proposed by @huiguochen and @smilediver
- Implement NEON transformVertices & transformIndices by @smilediver in #2065
- Implement SSE transformVertices & transformIndices, proposed by @huiguochen
- Add cmake option
to support build wasm with SIMD support, supports valuessse
- Rewrite all neon inline asm code with NEON intrinsics, this will allow WASM and winuwp-arm64 can compile with NEON intrinsic
- Improve FileUtils by @halx99
- Rename FileUtils::createDirectory to FileUtils::createDirectories
- Use splitpath_cb to optimize FileUtils::createDirectories
- Rename FileUtils::getFileShortName to FileUtils::getPathBaseName
- Add FileUtils::getPathDirName
- Add FileUtils::getPathBaseNameNoExtension
- Mark all renamed FileUtils stubs old name deprecated
- Mark all FileUtils offthread APIs deprecated
- Remove arch suffix of host default build output directory for axmol cmdline
Bug Fixes
- Fix checkReallySupportsASTC does not work on ios device reported by @BIGCATDOG in #2078
- Fix ImGui index draw info incorrect by @rh101 in #2052
- Fix ArchLinux setup dependencies always fail by @halx99
- Fix android VolatileTexture memory leak when addImage(img,k,fmt)
- Fix cmake prebuilt link error by @IamSanjid in #2058
- Fix prebuilt openssl dll path incorrect for winuwp by @halx99
- Fix #2060, make http request/respose reference counter thread-safe by @halx99 in #2064, reported by @qq461787436
- Fix Curl downloader not observing set task limits by @smilediver in #2067
- Fix a regression introduced by 2.1.4 that live2d compile error by @halx99, reported by @Sevael
- Fix unexpected libpng from system used
- Fix #1751, use coroutine control AutoTest flow
- Enhance Color4F and method naming change by @rh101 in #2072
- Improve FastRNG implementation by @DelinWorks in #2056
- Move FastRNG to ax ns and more improvements by @DelinWorks in #2057
- Add missing include for AXASSERT by @smilediver in #2081
- Handle premultiplied alpha for grayscale PNGs by @j-jorge in #2047
- Optimize ProgramState::setTexture() to avoid vector (de)allocations by @smilediver in #2061
- Add OpenType font (.otf) to the noCompress list by @danialias in #2077
- Update DrawNodeEx aka DrawNodeV2 to 0.95.1 by @aismann in #2079
sdks updates
- cppwinrt: 2.0.240111.5 ==> 2.0.240405.15
3rdparty updates
- box2d: 2.4.1 ==> 2.4.2
- curl: 8.8.0 ==> 8.9.1
- simdjson: 3.9.5 ==> 3.10.0
- lz4: 1.9.4 ==> 1.10.0
- c-ares: 1.32.2 ==> 1.33.0
MD5 Hash of the release artifacts
: D42B00A4FBFEF44E8AB38A56C2028A5E
The 2.1.4 release is a minor LTS
release for bugfixes and improvements
Significant changes relative to 2.1.3:
- Add JobSystem support by @halx99
- Add cmake option AX_WASM_INITIAL_MEMORY
- Add Linux WebView implementation by @IamSanjid in #1985
- Improve curl download implementation by @halx99 in #1999
- Use
- Use
instead deprecatedcurl_progress_callback
- Don't use CURL_HEADER to get content length, get it in xferinfo_callback
- Use
- Improve RenderTarget by @smilediver in #1996
- Make apple controller to support four players by @paulocoutinhox in #2009
, useJobSystem
, usefmt::format
Bug Fixes
- Fix call to incorrect java method by @rh101 in #2015
- Fix Callback and store Renderer Image type by @AlexandreK38 in #1945
- Fix char8_t not disable on msvc by @halx99
- Fix Renderer recreated by @smilediver in #1988
- Fix AvfMediaEngine assetion when play some HLS video files by @halx99 in #1984
- Fix compiling errors when on linux ubuntu2204 by @bwaiox in #2012
- Fix prebuilt, add ax_link_ext macro by @iAndyHD3 in #2022
- Fix #1943, Make extension luabinding can be controlled by AX_EXT_HINT by @halx99, reported by @iAndyHD3
- Add ability to change Inspector's font size by @IamSanjid in #1932
- Calculate safe area inset values for android devices with rounded corners by @rh101 in #1934
- Update documentation for axmol build commands when targetting the iOS simulator by @rh101 in #1938
- Added glyph ranges manager for ImGuiPresenter, added ability to use glyph ranges for Inspector's font by @IamSanjid in #1936
- Add support for necessary events to be sent regardless of event dispatcher enabled state by @rh101 in #1940
- Enable DrawNodeEx by default by @aismann in #1950
- Apply child stencils correctly to the clipping node by @rh101 in #1957
- Fix some compiler warnings on windows by @IamSanjid in #1954
- Update by @caryyu in #1965
- Sprite and TextureCache from ax::Data by @AlexandreK38 in #1967
- Remove duplicate cmake options by @halx99
- Count run action finish to call final finish when two run actions are performed by @AlexandreK38 in #1946
- Only pause GLSurfaceView if activity is moved to the background, and not if it just loses focus by @rh101 in #1942
- Update spine by @rh101 in #1975
- Update llvm setup
- Remove llvm setup from gh action yml config, since 1kiss will setup it
- Update 1kiss.ps1 llvm min requirement to 17.0.6 for msvc14.40 support
- Remove llvm version config from 1k/manifest.ps1 since 1kiss.ps1 already set properly for msvc14.40 support
- Update TLD to
in sources by @halx99 - Don't output log when custom ILogOutput was set by @halx99
- Use new logging system for audio by @halx99
- Update DrawNodeV2 0.94 by @aismann in #2008
- Ensure the RenderTexture reference is valid on threaded saveToFile task completion by @rh101 in #2024
- Some warning and other minor fixes by @smilediver in #2038
sdks & tools updates
- gradle: 8.7 ==> 8.8
- AGP: 8.2.2 ==> 8.4.0
- emsdk: 3.1.59 ==> 3.1.63
3rdparty updates
- openssl: 3.0.13 ==> 3.3.1
- Clipper2: 1.3.0 ==> 1.4.0
- simdjson: 3.9.2 ==> 3.9.5
- fmtlib: 10.2.1 ==> 11.0.1
- yasio: 4.2.2 ==> 4.2.3
- oboe: 1.8.1 ==> 1.9.0
- plainlua: 5.4.6 ==> 5.4.7
- c-ares: 1.29.0 ==> 1.32.2
- luajit: 2.1-d06beb0 ==> 2.1-04dca79
MD5 Hash of the release artifacts
: 849AA31DD6235945A88B7C60360EBB1A
MD5 Hash of the release artifacts
: 10461D9340203A9D5938E07C51E96199
MD5 Hash of the release artifacts
: 9179F4154AB389117A12772491F5AB93