In this demo we are going to create a process pipeline to transcribe audio files and later on process sentiment analysis over the transcriptions. This demo uses the "Event Sourcing" pattern to provide a scalable and cost-efficient solution. The language for processing is spanish by default, you can change it in the SAM template.
ProcessBucketName - Name of the bucket to use for media and text storage.
ProcessTableName - Name of the DynamoDB table used to store the process status and outcome.
ComprehendLanguageCode - The language code for Amazon Comprehend, one of these languages.
TranscribeLanguageCode - The language code for Amazon Transcribe, one of these languages.
AWS Account
SAM CLI - Install Guide
IAM User with access keys and Adminitrator privileges.
sam package --output-template-file package.yaml --s3-bucket [ARTIFACTS_BUCKET_NAME] --s3-prefix transcribe-sentiment
sam deploy --template-file package.yaml --stack-name transcribe-sentiment --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM
Where ARTIFACTS_BUCKET_NAME is an S3 bucket name used to upload the artifacts for deployment.