The AWS Service Catalog Terraform Community Engine (TCE) provides an example for you to configure and install a Terraform engine in your AWS Service Catalog administrator account. The TCE deploys the core components needed to support Terraform Community Edition as an EXTERNAL
AWS Service Catalog provisioning engine. With the engine installed into your account, you can use AWS Service Catalog as a single tool to organize, govern, and distribute your Terraform configurations within AWS. For more information about Terraform and AWS Service Catalog, see Getting started with Terraform.
AWS Service Catalog Engine Core will need to be deployed as part of AWS Service Catalog Terraform Community Engine in order to perform the below tasks:
- Terraform Community Engine receive messages from the queues and forwards the message to AWS Step Function.
- An AWS Step Function Workflow handles the request. The Terraform operations run in AWS CodeBuild.
- Terraform Engine sends provisioning results to the AWS Service Catalog service.
- An AWS Step Function (State Machine) manages the Terraform Provisioning experience.
- AWS CodeBuild task triggers based on the update, provision or terminate operation.
- Terraform runner in the AWS CodeBuild performs the terraform apply action to provision or update the AWS resources.
- Terraform runner in the AWS CodeBuild also performs the terraform destroy action to destroy the AWS resources.
- Depending on the terraform runner results, the AWS Service Catalog product gets notified.
- AWS CodeBuild tasks success or failure results also get notified to the developers using the Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS).
- AWS CodeBuild runs Terraform Apply to provision or update the AWS Service Catalog products. It also notifies the AWS Service Catalog in case of a failed response from the terraform runner.
- AWS CodeBuild runs Terraform Destroy to terminate the AWS Service Catalog product. It also notifies the AWS Service Catalog in case of a succeeded or failed response from the terraform runner.
- For any Succeeded results from terraform runner in AWS CodeBuild, AWS Step Function will run the process of parsing the success results and notifying the AWS Service Catalog using AWS Lambda Functions.
- AWS Lambda Function fetches the state file from S3 state bucket and parses outputs from the state file to record outputs.
- After getting the output, another AWS Lambda Function sends back the success notification and output results of Terraform provision or update to AWS Service Catalog.
Name | Version |
terraform | >= 1.3.0 |
archive | >=2.4.0 |
aws | >= 5.0.0 |
null | >=3.2.2 |
Name | Version |
archive | >=2.4.0 |
aws | >= 5.0.0 |
Name | Source | Version |
build | ./modules/dependency-builder | n/a |
core | git:: | 481e8d1a40f2a6b62710bd95f69884e0c0082d41 |
label | git:: | 9595b11aadf520f5ee3c210848802c414441236f |
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
cloudwatch_log_group_retention | Amount of days to keep CloudWatch Log Groups for Lambda functions. 0 = Never Expire | string |
"0" |
no |
create_ssh_key_ssm_parameter | Boolean flag indicating whether an SSM parameter will be created for an SSH key. If created, it will be defaulted to a value of REPLACE_ME and will need to be updated outside of this module. | bool |
false |
no |
label_id_order | ID element. Usually an abbreviation of your organization name, e.g. 'eg' or 'cp', to help ensure generated IDs are globally unique | list(string) |
[ |
no |
s3_access_logging_expiration_days | The amount of days to retain access logs in the S3 logs bucket | string |
"365" |
no |
s3_force_destroy | Set to true if you want to force delete S3 bucket created by this module (including contents of the bucket) | bool |
false |
no |
s3_logs_expiration_days | The amount of days to retain solution-related logs in the S3 logs bucket | string |
"365" |
no |
sfn_log_level | Defines which category of execution history events are logged. Valid values: ALL, ERROR, FATAL, OFF | string |
"ALL" |
no |
sns_topic_email_addresses | The email address to notify about the AWS CodeBuild success or failure | list(string) |
[] |
no |
ssh_key_ssm_parameter_path | The SSM parameter path containing a private SSH key for cloning modules from private Git repositories. | string |
"/sce/tf/ssh-key" |
no |
stage | Stage, e.g. 'prod', 'staging', 'dev', OR 'source', 'build', 'test', 'deploy', 'release'. | string |
null |
no |
tags | Map of tags to apply to resources deployed by this solution. | map(any) |
null |
no |
vpc_id | VPC ID to use if leveraging an existing VPC for the solution. Otherwise, a VPC will be created as part of deployment. | string |
null |
no |
vpc_private_subnet_ids | Required if vpc_id is specified. List of private subnets to use in the provided vpc_id |
list(string) |
null |
no |
vpc_security_group_ids | Required if vpc_id is specified. List of security groups to use in the provided vpc_id |
list(string) |
null |
no |
x_ray_tracing_enabled | When set to true, AWS X-Ray tracing is enabled. | bool |
true |
no |
Name | Description |
sce_parameter_parser_role_arn | Parameter parser Lambda function IAM role ARN. You need to allow this role to assume the portfolio launch role |
terraform_execution_role | CodeBuild IAM role ARN. You need to allow this role to assume the portfolio launch role |