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avidrucker committed Jul 17, 2024
1 parent eb3d6cf commit 56d5989
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Showing 7 changed files with 5 additions and 4 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Beach Night Poster.json
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"frontHtml":"<section\n class=\"m-plus-rounded-1c-bold tc min-h-100 lh-copy relative overflow-hidden h-100\"\n>\n <div class=\"blur-bg w-100 h-100 bg-center cover white absolute z-0\"></div>\n <section\n class=\"z-1 h-100 flex flex-column justify-center w-100 measure mr-auto ml-auto pa3\"\n >\n <p class=\"ma0 dib mr-auto ml-auto grow-custom append-play-btn-text\">\n {{audio}}\n </p>\n <p class=\"ma0 f3 pt2 ph2 z-1 measure-narrow balance mr-auto ml-auto\">\n What is the meaning of what is being said?\n </p>\n <!---->\n <!-- INPUT BLOCK START -->\n <div\n id=\"input-container\"\n class=\"pt2 z-1\"\n placeholder=\"Type your answer here\"\n >\n {{type:term}}\n </div>\n <!---->\n <!-- HINT BLOCK START -->\n <div class=\"hint-block lh-title pv2 z-1\">\n <a\n class=\"hint link underline o-70 f3\"\n href=\"#\"\n onclick=\"'none';document.getElementById('hint4753594160').style.display='inline-block';return false;\"\n >\n Click here for a hint</a\n >\n <div id=\"hint4753594160\" class=\"hint f3\" style=\"display: none\">\n {{Tags}}\n </div>\n </div>\n <!---->\n </section>\n</section>\n<!-- DON'T TOUCH BELOW THIS LINE PLEASE THANK YOU. The following img tag will configure Anki's built-in text input placeholder -->\n<img\n class=\"dn\"\n src\n onerror=\"document.getElementById('typeans').placeholder=document.getElementById('input-container').getAttribute('placeholder'); document.getElementById('typeans').value=''; document.getElementById('typeans').removeAttribute('readonly');\"\n/>\n","backHtml":"<section\n class=\"m-plus-rounded-1c-bold tc min-h-100 lh-copy relative overflow-hidden\"\n>\n <div class=\"blur-bg bg-center w-100 cover h-100 white absolute z-0\"></div>\n <section class=\"z-1 flex flex-column justify-center\">\n <section class=\"z-1 pa3\">\n <p class=\"ma0 dib mr-auto ml-auto grow-custom append-play-btn-text z-5\">\n {{audio}}\n </p>\n\n <section class=\"\">\n <div class=\"relative dib show-hide-children lh-title shift-up-title\">\n <h1\n class=\"z-4 w-100 show left-0 poster-effect f-subheadline ma0 fw9 di\"\n >\n {{term}}\n </h1>\n </div>\n\n <p class=\"ma0 f2 lh-title shift-up-subtitle\">{{reading}}</p>\n <p class=\"ma0 f3 lh-copy\">{{translation}}</p>\n <p class=\"ma0 f3 lh-copy\">{{transliteration}}</p>\n <p class=\"ma0 f4 lh-copy\">{{Tags}}</p>\n\n {{#picture}}\n <div\n class=\"relative measure mt2 mr-auto ml-auto\"\n style=\"overflow: hidden\"\n >\n <div class=\"z-999 child-img-lh-0\">{{picture}}</div>\n </div>\n {{/picture}}\n </section>\n </section>\n </section>\n</section>\n\n<div class=\"off-screen\">\n <svg style=\"width: 0; 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