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There's nothing better than a california burrito, bao or pizza from your favorite food truck.

Truckee is a Bay Area techie's dream: tasty and data-driven.

I'm a big fan of Tacos Mi Rancho out in Oakland, if you're up for the BART trip.

Why Truckee? Why Now?

Restaurants have a famously high failure rate compared to other kinds of businesses. Most people with a dream of starting a food truck want to bring their passion for cooking to people. On the way they're facing a lot of obstacles to achieving that dream--permitting, health inspections, sourcing food, presenting menu options, finding a location.

Everyone can find their closest, favorite food truck. Early-stage food trucks face tough competition. They need to find special ways to attract customers.

Truckee is here to give a leg up on newcomers. We use data-driven analytics in order to identify the ideal site for your food truck. You can opt to build a niche--starting a new food truck in a new culinary subcategory in a popular spot or venturing early in an up-and-coming territory.

Then once you've chosen a site we manage the permitting lifecycle for you, connecting you with a cohort of up-and-coming food trucks around town for a foodie-focused coupon circuit.

Finally, and most importantly, we get you in with the events managers for venues and outdoor shows downtown for cheap.


Truckee's development team wants to prioritize a unified meetingplace to make product and technical decisions.

Please register a meeting time on our calendly and we'll get you plugged in:

Zoom Link Here

Once we've gotten in touch you'll be ready to start making commits.

Read first: Roadmap, Decision Record, Style Guide, Bug List

If you'd like to make a contribution to any of these documents, get in touch.

Product Roadmap Here

Decision Record Here

Coding Guide Here

Style Guide Here

Bug List Here

Setting Up Your Development Environment

Before you begin, ensure you have the following installed on your system:

Initial Setup

  1. Clone the repository (if using version control):

    git clone
    cd truckee
  2. Install Elixir dependencies:

    mix deps.get
  3. Set up the database and populate:

    Make sure your database is configured correctly in config/dev.exs.

    mix ecto.create
    mix ecto.migrate
    mix run priv/repo/seeds.exs

Running the Application

To start the Phoenix server, run the following command:

mix phx.server

The app's homepage is available at localhost:4000

Pushing Code

We welcome contributions to this Elixir application! If you'd like to contribute, please follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository and clone it locally.
  2. Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix:
    git checkout -b your-feature-branch
  3. Label your branch "timestamp/category/description"
  4. Run 'mix coveralls' and ensure that your pull request is increasing the test coverage of the codebase overall.
  5. Expect a request for changes, an approval, or a request to discuss in person witihin 36 hours.


Find your Favorite Food Truck







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