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seems the order of constraint solving is wrong #22
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Zilin Chen authored and Zilin Chen committed Oct 20, 2016
1 parent cb6f4df commit 9a20745
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Showing 5 changed files with 121 additions and 83 deletions.
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions cogent/COGENT/PrettyPrint.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,9 +21,11 @@ import COGENT.Compiler
import COGENT.Reorganizer (ReorganizeError(..), SourceObject(..))
import COGENT.Surface
import COGENT.TypeCheck.Base
import COGENT.TypeCheck.Subst

import Control.Arrow (second)
import Data.Function ((&))
import Data.IntMap as I (IntMap, toList)
import qualified Data.Map as M hiding (foldr)
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 709
import Data.Monoid (mconcat)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -460,6 +462,11 @@ instance Pretty ReorganizeError where
pretty DuplicateTypeDefinition = err "duplicate type definition"
pretty DuplicateValueDefinition = err "duplicate value definition"

instance Pretty Subst where
pretty (Subst m) = pretty m

instance Pretty a => Pretty (I.IntMap a) where
pretty = list . map (\(k,v) -> pretty k <+> text "|->" <+> pretty v) . I.toList

-- helper functions
-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Expand Down
8 changes: 7 additions & 1 deletion cogent/COGENT/TypeCheck.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ import COGENT.TypeCheck.Generator
import COGENT.TypeCheck.Post (postT, postE, postA)
import COGENT.TypeCheck.Solver
import COGENT.TypeCheck.Subst (applyE, applyAlts)
import COGENT.TypeCheck.Util

import Control.Arrow (first, left)
import Control.Lens
Expand All @@ -33,7 +34,8 @@ import Data.List (nub, (\\))
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Text.Parsec.Pos
--import Text.PrettyPrint.ANSI.Leijen hiding ((<>))
import qualified Text.PrettyPrint.ANSI.Leijen as L
import Text.PrettyPrint.ANSI.Leijen hiding ((<>), (<$>))

-- import Debug.Trace

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -86,6 +88,8 @@ checkOne loc d = case d of
((c, e'), f) <- lift (runCG ctx [] (cg e t'))
let c' = c <> Share t' (Constant n)
(errs, subst) <- lift (runSolver (solve c') f [])
traceTC "tc" (text "subst for const definition" <+> pretty n <+> text "is"
L.<$> pretty subst)
if null errs then do
knownConsts %= M.insert n (t', loc)
e'' <- postE [InDefinition loc d] $ applyE subst e'
Expand All @@ -105,6 +109,8 @@ checkOne loc d = case d of
let ?loc = loc
((c, alts'), flx) <- lift (runCG ctx (map fst vs) (cgAlts alts o i))
(errs, subst) <- lift (runSolver (solve c) flx vs)
traceTC "tc" (text "subst for fun definition" <+> pretty f <+> text "is"
L.<$> pretty subst)
if null errs then do
knownFuns %= M.insert f (PT vs t')
alts'' <- postA [InDefinition loc d] $ applyAlts subst alts'
Expand Down
15 changes: 11 additions & 4 deletions cogent/COGENT/TypeCheck/Generator.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ cg' (App e1 e2) t = do
let c = c1 <> c2
e = App e1' e2'
traceTC "gen" (text "cg for funapp:" <+> prettyE e
L.<$> text "constraint for function:" <+> pretty c1
L.<$> text "constraint for function:" <+> pretty c1 <+> semi
L.<$> text "constraint for argument:" <+> pretty c2)
return (c,e)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -199,9 +199,11 @@ cg' (UnboxedRecord fes) t = do

let e = UnboxedRecord (zip fs es')
r = T (TRecord (zip fs (map (, False) ts)) Unboxed)
c = c' <> r :< t
-- traceShowM ("Checking UnboxedRecord", pretty c)
return (c,e)
c = r :< t
traceTC "gen" (text "cg for unboxed record:" <+> prettyE e
L.<$> text "of type" <+> pretty t <+> semi
L.<$> text "generate constraint" <+> pretty c)
return (c' <> c,e)

cg' (Seq e1 e2) t = do
alpha <- fresh
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -413,6 +415,11 @@ withBindings (Binding pat tau e bs : xs) a = do

let c = ct <> c1 <> c' <> cp
b' = Binding pat' (fmap (const alpha) tau) e' bs
traceTC "gen" (text "bound expression" <+> pretty e' <+> text "with banged" <+> pretty bs
L.<$> text "of type" <+> pretty alpha <+> semi
L.<$> text "generate constraint" <+> pretty c1 <+> semi
L.<$> text "constraint for ascribed type:" <+> pretty ct <+> semi
L.<$> text "constraint for pattern match:" <+> pretty cp)
return (c, b':xs', r)

parallel' :: [(ErrorContext, CG (Constraint, a))] -> CG (Constraint, [(Constraint, a)])
Expand Down
164 changes: 90 additions & 74 deletions cogent/COGENT/TypeCheck/Solver.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ import Data.Maybe
import Data.Monoid
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Text.PrettyPrint.ANSI.Leijen as P
import Text.PrettyPrint.ANSI.Leijen (pretty)
import Text.PrettyPrint.ANSI.Leijen hiding ((<$>), (<>))

-- import Debug.Trace

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -152,104 +152,109 @@ isVarCon _ = False
-- Explodes a rigid/rigid constraint into subgoals necessary
-- for that to be true. E.g, (a,b) :< (c,d) becomes a :< c :& b :< d.
-- Assumes that the input is simped (i.e conjunction and context free, with types in whnf)
rule' :: Constraint -> Maybe Constraint
rule' c = (:@ SolvingConstraint c) <$> rule c
rule' :: Constraint -> IO (Maybe Constraint)
rule' c = rule c >>= \c' -> return ((:@ SolvingConstraint c) <$> c')

rule :: Constraint -> Maybe Constraint
rule (Exhaustive t ps) | any isIrrefutable ps = Just Sat
rule :: Constraint -> IO (Maybe Constraint)
rule (Exhaustive t ps) | any isIrrefutable ps = return $ Just Sat
rule (Exhaustive (T (TVariant n)) ps)
| s1 <- S.fromList (mapMaybe patternTag ps)
, s2 <- S.fromList (map fst $ filter (not . snd . snd) $ M.toList n)
= if s1 == s2
then Just Sat
else Just $ Unsat (PatternsNotExhaustive (T (TVariant n)) (S.toList (s2 S.\\ s1)))
= return $ if s1 == s2
then Just Sat
else Just $ Unsat (PatternsNotExhaustive (T (TVariant n)) (S.toList (s2 S.\\ s1)))

rule (Exhaustive (T (TCon "Bool" [] Unboxed)) [PBoolLit t, PBoolLit f])
= if not (t && f) && (t || f) then Just Sat
else Just $ Unsat $ PatternsNotExhaustive (T (TCon "Bool" [] Unboxed)) []
= return $ if not (t && f) && (t || f) then Just Sat
else Just $ Unsat $ PatternsNotExhaustive (T (TCon "Bool" [] Unboxed)) []

rule (Exhaustive t ps)
| not (notWhnf t) = Just $ Unsat $ PatternsNotExhaustive t []
| not (notWhnf t) = return . Just . Unsat $ PatternsNotExhaustive t []

rule (x :@ c) = (:@ c) <$> rule x
rule (x :& y) = (:&) <$> x' <*> y'
<|> (x :&) <$> y'
<|> (:& y) <$> x'
where y' = rule y
x' = rule x
rule (x :@ c) = return . ((:@ c) <$>) =<< rule x
rule (x :& y) = do
x' <- rule x
y' <- rule y
return ((:&) <$> x' <*> y'
<|> (x :&) <$> y'
<|> (:& y) <$> x')

rule Unsat {} = Nothing
rule Sat {} = Nothing
rule Unsat {} = return Nothing
rule Sat {} = return Nothing

rule (Share (T TVar {}) _) = Nothing
rule (Drop (T TVar {}) _) = Nothing
rule (Escape (T TVar {}) _) = Nothing
rule (Share (T TVar {}) _) = return Nothing
rule (Drop (T TVar {}) _) = return Nothing
rule (Escape (T TVar {}) _) = return Nothing

rule (Share (T (TTuple xs)) m) = Just $ mconcat $ map (flip Share m) xs
rule (Escape (T (TTuple xs)) m) = Just $ mconcat $ map (flip Escape m) xs
rule (Drop (T (TTuple xs)) m) = Just $ mconcat $ map (flip Drop m) xs
rule (Share (T (TTuple xs)) m) = return . Just . mconcat $ map (flip Share m) xs
rule (Escape (T (TTuple xs)) m) = return . Just . mconcat $ map (flip Escape m) xs
rule (Drop (T (TTuple xs)) m) = return . Just . mconcat $ map (flip Drop m) xs

rule (Share (T TUnit) m) = Just Sat
rule (Escape (T TUnit) m) = Just Sat
rule (Drop (T TUnit) m) = Just Sat
rule (Share (T TUnit) m) = return $ Just Sat
rule (Escape (T TUnit) m) = return $ Just Sat
rule (Drop (T TUnit) m) = return $ Just Sat

rule (Share (T TFun {}) m) = Just Sat
rule (Escape (T TFun {}) m) = Just Sat
rule (Drop (T TFun {}) m) = Just Sat
rule (Share (T TFun {}) m) = return $ Just Sat
rule (Escape (T TFun {}) m) = return $ Just Sat
rule (Drop (T TFun {}) m) = return $ Just Sat

rule (Share (T (TVariant n)) m) = Just $ foldMap (\(ts, t) -> if t then Sat else mconcat $ map (flip Share m) ts) n
rule (Drop (T (TVariant n)) m) = Just $ foldMap (\(ts, t) -> if t then Sat else mconcat $ map (flip Drop m) ts) n
rule (Escape (T (TVariant n)) m) = Just $ foldMap (\(ts, t) -> if t then Sat else mconcat $ map (flip Escape m) ts) n
rule (Share (T (TVariant n)) m) = return . Just $ foldMap (\(ts, t) -> if t then Sat else mconcat $ map (flip Share m) ts) n
rule (Drop (T (TVariant n)) m) = return . Just $ foldMap (\(ts, t) -> if t then Sat else mconcat $ map (flip Drop m) ts) n
rule (Escape (T (TVariant n)) m) = return . Just $ foldMap (\(ts, t) -> if t then Sat else mconcat $ map (flip Escape m) ts) n

rule (Share t@(T (TRecord fs s)) m)
| s /= Writable = Just $ foldMap (\(x, t) -> if not t then Share x m else Sat) $ map snd fs
| otherwise = Just $ Unsat $ TypeNotShareable t m
| s /= Writable = return . Just $ foldMap (\(x, t) -> if not t then Share x m else Sat) $ map snd fs
| otherwise = return . Just $ Unsat $ TypeNotShareable t m
rule (Drop t@(T (TRecord fs s)) m)
| s /= Writable = Just $ foldMap (\(x, t) -> if not t then Drop x m else Sat) $ map snd fs
| otherwise = Just $ Unsat $ TypeNotDiscardable t m
| s /= Writable = return . Just $ foldMap (\(x, t) -> if not t then Drop x m else Sat) $ map snd fs
| otherwise = return . Just $ Unsat $ TypeNotDiscardable t m
rule (Escape t@(T (TRecord fs s)) m)
| s /= ReadOnly = Just $ foldMap (\(x, t) -> if not t then Escape x m else Sat) $ map snd fs
| otherwise = Just $ Unsat $ TypeNotEscapable t m
| s /= ReadOnly = return . Just $ foldMap (\(x, t) -> if not t then Escape x m else Sat) $ map snd fs
| otherwise = return . Just $ Unsat $ TypeNotEscapable t m

rule (Share t@(T (TCon n ts s)) m)
| s /= Writable = Just Sat
| otherwise = Just $ Unsat $ TypeNotShareable t m
| s /= Writable = return $ Just Sat
| otherwise = return $ Just $ Unsat $ TypeNotShareable t m
rule (Drop t@(T (TCon n ts s)) m)
| s /= Writable = Just Sat
| otherwise = Just $ Unsat $ TypeNotDiscardable t m
| s /= Writable = return $ Just Sat
| otherwise = return $ Just $ Unsat $ TypeNotDiscardable t m
rule (Escape t@(T (TCon n ts s)) m)
| s /= ReadOnly = Just Sat
| otherwise = Just $ Unsat $ TypeNotEscapable t m
| s /= ReadOnly = return $ Just Sat
| otherwise = return $ Just $ Unsat $ TypeNotEscapable t m

rule (T (TTuple xs) :< T (TTuple ys))
| length xs /= length ys = Just $ Unsat (TypeMismatch (T (TTuple xs)) (T (TTuple ys)))
| otherwise = Just $ mconcat (zipWith (:<) xs ys)
rule (T (TFun a b) :< T (TFun c d)) = Just $ (c :< a) :& (b :< d)
rule (T TUnit :< T TUnit) = Just Sat
| length xs /= length ys = return $ Just $ Unsat (TypeMismatch (T (TTuple xs)) (T (TTuple ys)))
| otherwise = return $ Just $ mconcat (zipWith (:<) xs ys)
rule ct@(T (TFun a b) :< T (TFun c d)) = do
let ct' = (c :< a) :& (b :< d)
traceTC "sol" (text "constraint" <+> pretty ct <+> text "is decomposed into"
P.<$> pretty ct')
return $ Just ct'
rule (T TUnit :< T TUnit) = return $ Just Sat
rule (T (TVar v b) :< T (TVar u c))
| v == u, b == c = Just Sat
| otherwise = Just $ Unsat (TypeMismatch (T (TVar v b)) (T (TVar u c)))
| v == u, b == c = return $ Just Sat
| otherwise = return $ Just $ Unsat (TypeMismatch (T (TVar v b)) (T (TVar u c)))
rule (T (TCon n ts s) :< T (TCon m us r))
| n == m, length ts == length us, s == r = Just $ mconcat (zipWith (:<) ts us ++ zipWith (:<) us ts)
| otherwise = Just $ Unsat (TypeMismatch (T (TCon n ts s)) (T (TCon m us r)))
| n == m, length ts == length us, s == r = return $ Just $ mconcat (zipWith (:<) ts us ++ zipWith (:<) us ts)
| otherwise = return $ Just $ Unsat (TypeMismatch (T (TCon n ts s)) (T (TCon m us r)))
rule (T (TRecord fs s) :< T (TRecord gs r))
| or (zipWith ((/=) `on` fst) fs gs) = Just $ Unsat (TypeMismatch (T (TRecord fs s)) (T (TRecord gs r)))
| length fs /= length gs = Just $ Unsat (TypeMismatch (T (TRecord fs s)) (T (TRecord gs r)))
| s /= r = Just $ Unsat (TypeMismatch (T (TRecord fs s)) (T (TRecord gs r)))
| or (zipWith ((/=) `on` fst) fs gs) = return $ Just $ Unsat (TypeMismatch (T (TRecord fs s)) (T (TRecord gs r)))
| length fs /= length gs = return $ Just $ Unsat (TypeMismatch (T (TRecord fs s)) (T (TRecord gs r)))
| s /= r = return $ Just $ Unsat (TypeMismatch (T (TRecord fs s)) (T (TRecord gs r)))
| otherwise = let
each (f, (t, False)) (_, (u, True )) = (t :< u) :& Drop t ImplicitlyTaken
each (f, (t, False)) (_, (u, False)) = t :< u
each (f, (t, True )) (_, (u, True )) = t :< u
each (f, (t, True )) (_, (u, False)) = Unsat (RequiredTakenField f t)
in Just $ mconcat (zipWith each fs gs)
in return $ Just $ mconcat (zipWith each fs gs)
rule (T (TVariant m) :< T (TVariant n))
| M.keys m /= M.keys n = Just $ Unsat (TypeMismatch (T (TVariant m)) (T (TVariant n)))
| M.keys m /= M.keys n = return $ Just $ Unsat (TypeMismatch (T (TVariant m)) (T (TVariant n)))
| otherwise = let
each (f, (ts, False)) (_, (us, True )) = Unsat (DiscardWithoutMatch f)
each (f, (ts, False)) (_, (us, False)) = mconcat (zipWith (:<) ts us)
each (f, (ts, True )) (_, (us, True )) = mconcat (zipWith (:<) ts us)
each (f, (ts, True )) (_, (us, False)) = mconcat (zipWith (:<) ts us)
in Just $ mconcat (zipWith (each) (M.toList m) (M.toList n))
in return $ Just $ mconcat (zipWith (each) (M.toList m) (M.toList n))
-- This rule is a bit dodgy
-- rule (T (TTake (Just a) b) :< T (TTake (Just a') c))
-- | x <- L.intersect a a'
Expand All @@ -259,22 +264,27 @@ rule (T (TVariant m) :< T (TVariant n))
-- a'x = a' L.\\ x
-- in Just $ ((if null ax then id else T . TTake (Just ax)) b)
-- :< ((if null a'x then id else T . TTake (Just a'x)) c)
rule (a :< b)
| notWhnf a || notWhnf b = Nothing -- traceShow ("FOO", a :< b) Nothing
| otherwise = Just $ Unsat (TypeMismatch a b)
rule ct@(a :< b)
| notWhnf a || notWhnf b = do
traceTC "sol" (text "constraint" <+> pretty ct <+> text "with both sides not in WHNF becomes Nothing")
return $ Nothing -- traceShow ("FOO", a :< b) Nothing
| otherwise = return $ Just $ Unsat (TypeMismatch a b)

rule (T (TCon n [] Unboxed) :<~ T (TCon m [] Unboxed))
| Just n' <- elemIndex n primTypeCons
, Just m' <- elemIndex m primTypeCons
, n' <= m'
, m /= "String"
= Just Sat
rule (T (TVariant n) :<~ T (TVariant m))
= return $ Just Sat
rule ct@(T (TVariant n) :<~ T (TVariant m))
| ks <- M.keysSet n
, ks `S.isSubsetOf` M.keysSet m
= let each t (ts, _) (us, False) = mconcat (zipWith (:<) ts us)
each t (ts, _) (us, True) = Unsat (RequiredTakenTag t)
in Just $ mconcat (map (\k -> each k (n M.! k) (m M.! k)) $ S.toList ks)
in do let cts = map (\k -> each k (n M.! k) (m M.! k)) $ S.toList ks
traceTC "sol" (text "constraint" <+> pretty ct <+> text "is decomposed into"
P.<$> pretty cts)
return $ Just $ mconcat cts
rule (T (TRecord fs _) :<~ T (TRecord gs s))
| ks <- S.fromList (map fst fs)
, ms <- M.fromList gs
Expand All @@ -285,15 +295,16 @@ rule (T (TRecord fs _) :<~ T (TRecord gs s))
each f (t, False) (u, False) = t :< u
each f (t, True ) (u, True ) = t :< u
each f (t, True ) (u, False) = (t :< u) :& Drop t ImplicitlyTaken
in Just $ mconcat (map (\k -> each k (ns M.! k) (ms M.! k)) $ S.toList ks)
in return $ Just $ mconcat (map (\k -> each k (ns M.! k) (ms M.! k)) $ S.toList ks)
rule (a :<~ b) = rule (a :< b)
rule c = Nothing
rule c = return Nothing

-- Applies rules and simp as much as possible
auto :: Constraint -> TC Constraint
auto c = do
traceTC "sol" (text "auto" <+> pretty c)
c' <- simp c
case rule' c' of
liftIO (rule' c') >>= \case
Nothing -> return c'
Just c'' -> auto c''

Expand All @@ -309,8 +320,8 @@ simp :: Constraint -> TC Constraint
simp (a :< b) = (:<) <$> whnf a <*> whnf b
simp (a :<~ b) = (:<~) <$> whnf a <*> whnf b
simp (a :& b) = (:&) <$> simp a <*> simp b
simp (Share t m) = Share <$> whnf t <*> pure m
simp (Drop t m) = Drop <$> whnf t <*> pure m
simp (Share t m) = Share <$> whnf t <*> pure m
simp (Drop t m) = Drop <$> whnf t <*> pure m
simp (Escape t m) = Escape <$> whnf t <*> pure m
simp (a :@ c) = (:@) <$> simp a <*> pure c
simp (Unsat e) = pure (Unsat e)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -513,7 +524,6 @@ noBrainers [Goal _ (T t :< U x)] = Subst.singleton x (T t)
noBrainers [Goal _ (T t@(TCon v [] Unboxed) :<~ U x)] | v `elem` primTypeCons = Subst.singleton x (T t)
noBrainers _ = mempty

applySubst :: Subst -> Solver ()
applySubst s = substs <>= s

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -550,11 +560,11 @@ explode = assumption >=> (zoom tc . apply auto) >=> mapM exhaustives >=> (return
-- 2.1. Apply any no-brainer substitutions from the downward goals (? :< R)
-- If we did any substituting go to 1
-- 2.2. If there are any downward goals,
-- Push type information down from the RHS to the LHS of :< constraints and go to 1
-- push type information down from the RHS to the LHS of :< constraints and go to 1
-- 3.1. Apply any no-brainer substitutions from the upward goals (R :< ?)
-- If we did any substituting, go to 1
-- 3.2. If there are any upward goals,
-- Pull type information up from the LHS to the RHS of :< constraints and go to 1
-- pull type information up from the LHS to the RHS of :< constraints and go to 1
-- 4. If there are any remaining constraints, report unsolved error, otherwise return empty list.
solve :: Constraint -> Solver [ContextualisedError]
solve = zoom tc . crunch >=> explode >=> go
Expand All @@ -565,6 +575,8 @@ solve = zoom tc . crunch >=> explode >=> go

go g | not (M.null (downs g)) = do
let s = foldMap noBrainers (downs g)
traceTC "sol" (text "solve downward goals"
P.<$> text "produce subst" <+> pretty s)
if Subst.null s then do
g' <- explode =<< concat . F.toList <$> traverse impose (downs g)
go (g' <> g { downs = M.empty } )
Expand All @@ -574,6 +586,8 @@ solve = zoom tc . crunch >=> explode >=> go

go g | not (M.null (ups g)) = do
let s = foldMap noBrainers (ups g)
traceTC "sol" (text "solve upward goals"
P.<$> text "produce subst" <+> pretty s)
if Subst.null s then do
g' <- explode =<< concat . F.toList <$> traverse suggest (ups g)
go (g' <> g { ups = M.empty } )
Expand All @@ -583,6 +597,8 @@ solve = zoom tc . crunch >=> explode >=> go

go g | not (M.null (fragments g)) = do
let s = foldMap noBrainers (fragments g)
traceTC "sol" (text "solve fragment goals"
P.<$> text "produce subst" <+> pretty s)
if Subst.null s then do
g' <- explode =<< concat . F.toList <$> traverse guess (fragments g)
go (g' <> g { ups = M.empty } )
Expand Down

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