This repository contains a small TypeScript proof of concept. The objective is to display a new Google Map in a browser window, and show 2 randomly generated location coordinates, for a User and a company. Clicking on them will show a description pop-up window, displaying random generated names or, for companies, the catchphrase.
This project has a learning objective through practice.
This is the 2nd app resulted from the "[Apendix B] Basics of Typescript" from
🏫 Course: Udemy - Microservices with Node.JS and React -
The first app is in this repository:
remember to replace the with the actual key, in index.html
to run this project on local dev machine (instead of nodemon + ts support):
$ npm install -g parcel-bundler
$ parcel index.html
- @faker-js/faker (v7.5.0) to generate random names, coordinates and catchphrases
- @types/google.maps (v3.50.2) used to display and manage the Map
- [FIXME] In CustomMaps.ts, the constructor for a new Map requires a non-null HTML Element. A quick fix was to provide a size and width in the style element, in index.html, so the map display is correct.
new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById(divId)...
- [best practice] Introduce the API key as an environment constant, but the project is really small so I skipped that for now