A list of selected resources, methods, and tools dedicated to legal ontologies, data schemes, and knowledge graphs.
Please read the contribution guidelines before contributing. Please add a resource by raising a pull request. We also seek for discussion and proposal of new ideas (including additional content sections) as issues.
- Selected Tasks and Use Cases
- Methods and Libraries
- Ontologies
- Datasets and Data
- Ontology Modeling and Development Tools
- Research Groups and Labs
- Tutorials
- Credits
- Ontology Learning
- Domain terminology extraction
- Concept discovery
- Concept hierarchy derivation
- Learning of non-taxonomic relations
- Rule discovery
- Ontology population
- Concept hierarchy extension
- Frame and Event detection
- Awesome ontology
- Awesome Ontologies for Digital Humanities
- Awesome Semantic Web: A curated list of various semantic web and linked data resources
- Another Awesome Semantic Web: A curated list of various semantic web and linked data resources
- European Union - Data Structures and Standards used at the Publications Office
- European Union - Vocabularies
- European Union - Common Data Models
- European Union - EU Budget Vocabulary
- European Union - European Legislation Identifier
- European Union - European Research Information Ontology
- European Union - Official Journal Electronic Exchange Protocol
- European Union - Digital Europa Thesaurus
- European Union - eProcurement
- Akoma Ntoso for European Union
- United Nations System Document Ontology (UNDO)
- Book Interchange Tag Set: JATS Extension
- ALLOT: an ontology based to describe entities referenced in legal documents
- DOLCE: Descriptive Ontology for Linguistic and Cognitive Engineering
- Overview of Legal Ontologies
- Legal Knowledge Graph Ontology
- LKIF Core: Legal Knowledge Interchange Format Core
- Common Core Ontologies
- Legal Ontology Population for MIREL Project
- Legal Ontology Learning
- CopyrightOnto - Copyright Ontology
- Legal Ontologies
- Real Estate Core
- Legal Document ML
- Legal Rule ML
- Public Contracts Ontology
- UK Parliament Ontologies (incl. agency, business item, contact point, contribution, description, election, formal body, formal body affiliation, government organization, house membership, laying, legislation, making available, parliamentary bloc, peerage, petition, place, procedure, procedure step annotation, publisher, question and answer, record, standing order, submission, tabling, time period, treaty, written statement ontologies)
- good relations not strictly legal, but covering transactions and therefore potentially helpful: ontology covering product, price, store, and company data
- ISDA International Swaps and Derivatives Association Taxonomy v2
- UTBMS (the Uniform Task Based Management System) is a series of codes used to classify legal services performed by a legal vendor in an electronic invoice submission
- see Legal Text Analytics
- Annotation guidelines for Legal Entity Recognition (Germany)
- Semantic Types of Legal Norms
- Annotation Guidelines for Sentence Boundary Detection in Caselaw (US)
- Annotation Guidelines for Sentence Value in Statutory Interpretation (US)
- W3: Ontology Editors
- Protégé
- Fluent Editor
- OntoStudio (formerly OntoEdit)
- SALI: Modern Legal Industry Standards
- noslegal: open source legal for all of us
- Ontology Design Patterns
- European Union - Semantic Interoperability Community (SEMIC)
- Ontology Development 101: A Guide to Creating Your First Ontology
- Modular Ontology Modeling: A Tutorial, Download LINK
See contributors and committers (and many more).
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Image by sebis research group of Prof. Florian Matthes (Technical University of Munich).