Refined monokai color scheme for vim.
- The colour palette from sickill/vim-monokai.
Vundle (recommend)
Plugin 'crusoexia/vim-monokai'
Download the syntax/monokai.vim file and copy it into your ~/.vim/syntax/ folder.
If you previously use sickill/vim-monokai, you need to remove it first to install this one, because the two have the same name which could cause conflicts.
Type below command in your vim or save it in your vimrc:
colorscheme monokai
If you are using a font which support italic, you can use below config to enable the italic form:
let g:monokai_italic = 1
The default window border is narrow dotted line, use below config to turn on the thick one:
let g:monokai_thick_border = 1
For javascript development, it is recommend to install below plugins:
vim-javascript, which provide features such as param syntax highlight, function assignment identifier highlight ( just as the screenshots ).
vim-javascript-lib, which is the companion of vim-javascript, provide the popular javascript libraries key word highlight, such as underscore and Backbone.