A Figma plugin for designers to preview the design draft for a multilingual environment. By the way, it also applies to FigJam.
You need to build the code runs on the main thread in a sandbox, and the code for UI via React.
cd figma && pnpm install && npm run build-vite
cd ui && pnpm install && npm run build-vite
Download desktop app and import plugin. The imported file is in the root directory of the project, named manifest.json
The config file must be in JSON format as following.
"zh-cn": {
"id-1": "实验",
"id-2": "事实",
"id-3": "洞察力",
"id-4": "机遇"
"en-us": {
"id-1": "Experiments",
"id-2": "Facts",
"id-3": "Insights",
"id-4": "Opportunties"
"ja-jp": {
"id-1": "じっけん",
"id-2": "じじつ",
"id-3": "どーさつ",
"id-4": "つくえ"
This is a nested object with the first layer of the optional language and the second layer of the translation result of the string ID binding.
Select the original language and dest language, and translate the words.
Now, you can checkout the report via report.
I prefer to use FigJam for the example, but this also applies to Figma.