It's my personal site! 😲
Built from Bootstrap, Jekyll, a couple JS libraries, and hacks here and there.
- To serve the site:
$ bundle exec jekyll serve
- To serve and allow all incoming requests
$ bundle exec jekyll serve --host
- To update the bundle:
$ bundle update
Served over :4000
isn't really set up, but is ready to be worked on.
|-- _data/: .yml data structures
|-- _includes/: partial page templates
|-- _layouts/: page layouts
|-- _sass/: source styling
|-- _site/: compiled version of the site
|-- archive/: older pages
|-- assets/: imgs, css, JS
|-- projects/: my various project pages
|-- Various root files and pages
- quote
- source
Fullscreen image, but probably needs some work
- url
- caption
- url
- caption
- url2 (adds second image)
- caption2
- header
- subheader
- style:
anything | lg
- captionSide (puts the given caption on the side)
- urlCode
- caption
- header
- subheader
- loop:
- style:
anything | lg
- aspect:
21by9 | 16by9 | 4by3 | 1by1
- date
- emoji
- description1 (first paragraph)
- description2 (second paragraph)
{% include model-viewer.html
caption="Hiking with the wife."
cameraOrbit="8deg 80deg 50%"
cameraOrbitMin="-30deg 60deg auto"
cameraOrbitMax="30deg 120deg auto"
cameraTarget=".1m 1.3m 0m"