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@bpierre bpierre released this 27 Jan 17:46
· 464 commits to master since this release

Changes since 0.29.0:

IdentityBadge Popover (#293)

  • The badge now opens a popover containing more information when clicked.
  • The popover contains:
    • The full address already selected (so that it can be copied).
    • The “you” badge if the address corresponds to the connected account.
    • A link to the account on Etherscan.
    • A button to copy the address in the clipboard.
  • Pressing the Escape key or focusing anything else outside of the popover will close it.
  • If ToastHub is present, it will be used to display the copy confirmation.
  • Also adds keyboard support for the badge itself (using ButtonBase).

Keyboard navigation

Small width (mobile)

Usage examples


Indicate that it is the connected account:


Disable the toast notification:


Change the network type:


AddressField (#292) 🆕✨

  • Displays an Ethereum identicon alongside an Ethereum address.
  • Automatically selects the input content when focused.
  • Provides a button to copy the address.
  • Uses the Toast component, if available, to confirm that the address has been copied.

Usage examples

<AddressField address="0x09ABDb7947D780FBa0807e401da812fcE3F165a7" />

Custom onCopy handler (disables the Toast message):

  onCopy={() => alert('Copied')}

Popover: focus handling, centering, API changes (#290)

  • Supports a “center” placement.
  • Opening + closing transition (rather than opening only).
  • Throws an error if the component is not wrapped in <Root.Provider>.
  • The component closing behavior is now based on the focus rather than
    the click events outside, allowing to close it e.g. when a sandboxed iframe
    is clicked.

API changes:

  • openerRef becomes opener (to better reflect that it’s a DOM
    element and not a React ref)
  • left and right were not playing nicely with Popper.js and have been
  • A new prop, visible allows to declare the Popover element without
    condition, and to let the component handle its opening / close transitions.
  • A new placement, center, has been added, and centers the Popover on
    the opener element.

ButtonBase (#284) 🆕✨

This is a basic button component that does nothing except displaying a focus ring. It is useful as a base to build other button types.

ButtonIcon (#285) 🆕✨

A simple component to be used when having an icon acting as a button. Provides an active and a focus state.

IconCopy (#288) 🆕✨

Used to represent the action of copying in the clipboard.


Other changes and fixes

  • The Button now forwards refs to the HTML element. (#289)
  • TextInput now has a fixed weight (40px), to align it with other components like Button and DropDown. (#287)
  • Root now doesn’t render until the root element is ready (easier to manage from the consumer side). (#291)
  • A selection style has been added. (#286)
  • Fix a bug preventing to use Toast / ToastHub without having @babel/polyfill in the project. (#283)
  • Fix a warning being displayed when a styled component was passed to TableCell’s contentContainer prop, which was also the default. (#296)

Internal changes

  • Remove styled-components from the dev dependencies. styled-components is a peer dependency and shouldn’t be a dependency. Doing so can be problematic when using npm link @aragon/ui in a project, causing two versions of styled-components to be included. (#297)
  • Add a custom proptype to validate components. (#296)
  • Remove circular dependencies. (#298)
  • Rollup: don’t analyze the bundle size in dev mode. (#299)