Animax is a versatile CSS animation library that supports various animations. It can be seamlessly implemented in client-side JavaScript projects, including Vite, React, and vanilla JavaScript. With Animax, adding dynamic motion to your web applications is effortless and efficient.
You can install Animax using npm:
npm install animax
Importing Animax for animation
import { createAnimate } from 'animax';
const element = document.getElementById('animate-me');
motion: 'bounce', // bunch animation
duration: '2s', // default duration 1s
infinite: true // css infinite default is false
Fade animation
import { createAnimate } from 'animax';
const element = document.getElementById('animate-me-once');
motion: 'fadeIn',
duration: '1s',
once: true // animate start when observed the element ( when unvisible and visible again )
function App() {
const element = useRef(null);
useEffect(() => {
const animax = createAnimate({
element: element.current,
return () => {
}, [element]);
return <div ref={element}>Animax css animation</div>;
export default App;
Animax is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.
Animax on GitHub Animax Documentation