12 commits
to main
since this release
- support schema management by restful API, including register, update, delete, and query.
- support schema storage with RocketMQ compact topic persistence and RocksDB local cache.
- support http client to menage schema registry and serializer/deserializer SDK for RocketMQ clients.
- support AVRO schema compatibility validation for schema evolution and serialize/deserialize process.
What's Changed
- [RIP-42] Support schema registry basic feature by @ferrirW in #1
- optimize Schema Rest API and the cache refresh mechanism by @MatrixHB in #4
- [docs] update readme by @ferrirW in #8
- [server] modify dependency and configuration to quick start by @ferrirW in #10
- [docs] update contact info in swagger config by @ferrirW in #9
- add http client for rocketmq schema registry by @humkum in #11
- remove maven wrapper and optimize module name by @MatrixHB in #12
- [Interface] Simplify api by @ferrirW in #14
- update namesrv url to localhost by @ferrirW in #17
- [client] adapt new api by @ferrirW in #18
- add SDK example and weaken dependency on compact topic by @MatrixHB in #19
- fix http client parse exception failed by @ferrirW in #21
- bugfix: serializer error and fix long buffer capacity by @humkum in #20
- [bugfix] fix some problems when testing the SchemaRegistryClient by @MatrixHB in #23
- [docs] modify introduction and add some detail by @ferrirW in #24
- refine avro serde type to SpecificAvroSerde and GernericAvroSerde by @humkum in #25
- add get subjects by tenant interface to support flink list table by subjects by @humkum in #33
- supplement avro compatibility checker by @MatrixHB in #32
- simplify schema record id to user by @ferrirW in #26
- Update bump-version.sh by @lizhanhui in #34
- [ISSUE #39] Parse idl fields to return getSchemaResponse by @ferrirW in #42
- [polish] fix pom file warning. by @GOODBOY008 in #35
- [polish] clone project with web URL. by @GOODBOY008 in #36
- support JSON serde by @humkum in #41
- [polish] polish pom skip javadoc. by @GOODBOY008 in #37
- Support ser/de skip schema registry service.[ISSUE-38] by @humkum in #47
- Fix avro parse NPE by @ferrirW in #51
- [ISSUE #43] prevent update same schema by @ferrirW in #50
- [ISSUE #48] Support different consumer group by ip by @ferrirW in #52
- Fix: Avro serde should support T extends record except a specific record type by @humkum in #54
- Optimize code before 1.0-release by @MatrixHB in #56
- add list tenants rest interface to support flink list databases by @humkum in #55
- [ISSUE #58] Polish the pom file and project description by @RongtongJin in #59
- optimize SDK before 1.0.0 release by @MatrixHB in #66
- fix: unify the response code 200 if operation success by @humkum in #69
- check avro schema compatibility by schema recordID during ser/de by @humkum in #63
- release 1.0.0 by @MatrixHB in #70
- 0.1.0-release by @MatrixHB in #71
New Contributors
- @ferrirW made their first contribution in #1
- @MatrixHB made their first contribution in #4
- @humkum made their first contribution in #11
- @lizhanhui made their first contribution in #34
- @GOODBOY008 made their first contribution in #35
- @RongtongJin made their first contribution in #59
Full Changelog: https://github.com/apache/rocketmq-schema-registry/commits/rocketmq-schema-registry-all-0.1.0
What's Changed
- [RIP-42] Support schema registry basic feature by @ferrirW in #1
- optimize Schema Rest API and the cache refresh mechanism by @MatrixHB in #4
- [docs] update readme by @ferrirW in #8
- [server] modify dependency and configuration to quick start by @ferrirW in #10
- [docs] update contact info in swagger config by @ferrirW in #9
- add http client for rocketmq schema registry by @humkum in #11
- remove maven wrapper and optimize module name by @MatrixHB in #12
- [Interface] Simplify api by @ferrirW in #14
- update namesrv url to localhost by @ferrirW in #17
- [client] adapt new api by @ferrirW in #18
- add SDK example and weaken dependency on compact topic by @MatrixHB in #19
- fix http client parse exception failed by @ferrirW in #21
- bugfix: serializer error and fix long buffer capacity by @humkum in #20
- [bugfix] fix some problems when testing the SchemaRegistryClient by @MatrixHB in #23
- [docs] modify introduction and add some detail by @ferrirW in #24
- refine avro serde type to SpecificAvroSerde and GernericAvroSerde by @humkum in #25
- add get subjects by tenant interface to support flink list table by subjects by @humkum in #33
- supplement avro compatibility checker by @MatrixHB in #32
- simplify schema record id to user by @ferrirW in #26
- Update bump-version.sh by @lizhanhui in #34
- [ISSUE #39] Parse idl fields to return getSchemaResponse by @ferrirW in #42
- [polish] fix pom file warning. by @GOODBOY008 in #35
- [polish] clone project with web URL. by @GOODBOY008 in #36
- support JSON serde by @humkum in #41
- [polish] polish pom skip javadoc. by @GOODBOY008 in #37
- Support ser/de skip schema registry service.[ISSUE-38] by @humkum in #47
- Fix avro parse NPE by @ferrirW in #51
- [ISSUE #43] prevent update same schema by @ferrirW in #50
- [ISSUE #48] Support different consumer group by ip by @ferrirW in #52
- Fix: Avro serde should support T extends record except a specific record type by @humkum in #54
- Optimize code before 1.0-release by @MatrixHB in #56
- add list tenants rest interface to support flink list databases by @humkum in #55
- [ISSUE #58] Polish the pom file and project description by @RongtongJin in #59
- optimize SDK before 1.0.0 release by @MatrixHB in #66
- fix: unify the response code 200 if operation success by @humkum in #69
- check avro schema compatibility by schema recordID during ser/de by @humkum in #63
- release 1.0.0 by @MatrixHB in #70
- 0.1.0-release by @MatrixHB in #71
New Contributors
- @ferrirW made their first contribution in #1
- @MatrixHB made their first contribution in #4
- @humkum made their first contribution in #11
- @lizhanhui made their first contribution in #34
- @GOODBOY008 made their first contribution in #35
- @RongtongJin made their first contribution in #59
Full Changelog: https://github.com/apache/rocketmq-schema-registry/commits/rocketmq-schema-registry-all-0.1.0