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geojson is a Go package implementing the RFC 7946 standard. It provides full support for GeoJSON objects, including Features, FeatureCollections, and Geometries, offering comprehensive functionality for serializing and deserializing GeoJSON data.

  • Strict adherence to the RFC 7946 GeoJSON standard.
  • Support for GeoJSON object types:
    • Feature
      • with ID and Properties
    • FeatureCollection
    • Geometries
      • Supported geometries: Point, LineString, Polygon, MultiPoint, MultiLineString, MultiPolygon, and GeometryCollection.
  • Robust validation of object types and coordinates.
  • Bounding box generation.
  • Polygon and MultiPolygon linear rings are automatically oriented to follow the right-hand rule: outer rings are counterclockwise, holes are clockwise.
  • All wrappers, features and geometries support JSON marshalling and unmarshalling


go get


GeoJSON Object (geojson.Object)

The geojson.Object is a generic representation of a GeoJSON object, providing the tools to parse, inspect, and work with GeoJSON features and metadata. This structure is useful for handling GeoJSON data programmatically by offering methods to determine the type of GeoJSON object and interact with its contents.

  • Methods:
    • Type() - Returns the GeoJSON type (Feature or FeatureCollection).
    • IsFeature() - Checks if the object is a Feature.
    • IsFeatureCollection() - Checks if the object is a FeatureCollection.
    • Feature() - Retrieves the Feature object (error if not a feature).
    • FeatureCollection() - Retrieves the FeatureCollection (error if not a collection).
    • MarshalJSON() / UnmarshalJSON() - Converts the object to/from JSON.

The possible types include:

  • TypeEmptyObject: Represents an invalid or uninitialized GeoJSON object.
  • TypeFeature: Indicates the object is a single GeoJSON Feature.
  • TypeFeatureCollection: Indicates the object is a GeoJSON FeatureCollection.

Unmarshalling GeoJSON

Here is a quick overview of how to work with geojson.Object and its methods:

  data := `{
		"type": "Feature",
		"geometry": {
			"type": "Point",
			"coordinates": [102.0, 0.5]
		"properties": {
			"name": "Sample Point"

  var obj geojson.Object
  if err := obj.UnmarshalJSON([]byte(data)); err != nil {

  if !obj.IsFeature() {

  feature, _ := obj.Feature()

Feature (geojson.Feature)

The geojson.Feature represents a single GeoJSON Feature. It consists in a spatial geometry, properties, and optionally an ID. The Feature object also supports operations such as calculating bounding boxes and extracting vertices.

  • Attributes:

    • Geometry: Specifies the spatial information of the feature (point, line, polygon, etc.).
    • Properties: A map containing additional metadata about the feature.
    • ID: An optional identifier for the feature.
    • SerializeBBox: A flag determining whether to include a bounding box in serialized output.
  • Feature Builder: Use the FeatureBuilder to programmatically build a Feature with the following methods:

    • SetGeometry(geometry Geometry)
    • SetProperties(properties Properties)
    • SetID(id ID)
    • Build()


geometry := geojson.MustPoint([]float64{102.0, 0.5})
properties := geojson.Properties{"name": "Sample Point"}

builder := geojson.NewFeatureBuilder()
feature := builder.SetGeometry(geometry).

data, err := json.Marshal(&feature)
if err != nil {


FeatureCollection (geojson.FeatureCollection)

The geojson.FeatureCollection represents a GeoJSON object that contains a collection of Feature objects.

  • Attributes:

    • Features: A list of Feature objects in the collection.
    • SerializeBBox: A flag determining whether to include a bounding box in serialized output.
  • Constructor Methods:

    • NewFeatureCollection(): Creates an empty FeatureCollection.
    • NewFeatureCollectionFromFeatures(features []Feature): Initializes a FeatureCollection with the given slice of features.


features := []geojson.Feature{feature1, feature2, feature3}
collection := geojson.NewFeatureCollectionFromFeatures(features)

Working with Properties

The Properties type manages metadata as key-value pairs for GeoJSON features.

  • Add/Update: Use Set("key", value) to add or update properties.
  • Retrieve: Use Get("key") or typed methods (GetString, GetInt, etc.) for type-safe access.


properties := geojson.Properties{}
properties.Set("name", "Foo")
name, _ := properties.GetString("name")

Typed methods return errors for missing keys or type mismatches, such as ErrPropertyNotFound.

GeometryObject (geojson.GeometryObject)

The geojson.GeometryObject serves as a generic wrapper for GeoJSON geometries. Its main purpose is to handle GeoJSON geometry data during the unmarshalling process, allowing for flexible deserialization and easy identification of the actual geometry type. Additionally, it provides methods to safely access specific geometry types and convert the wrapped geometry into the desired structure.

  • Generic Geometry Wrapping:
    The GeometryObject wraps any GeoJSON-compatible geometry, including:

    • Point
    • LineString
    • MultiPoint
    • MultiLineString
    • Polygon
    • MultiPolygon
    • GeometryCollection
  • Geometry Identification:
    The type of the contained geometry can be identified using the Type() method, which returns a GeometryType.

  • Safe Type Conversion:
    The GeometryObject provides methods to check whether the contained geometry matches a specific type and to convert the contained geometry into a strongly typed object (e.g., Point, LineString, etc.).

  • Marshalling/Unmarshalling Support:
    The GeometryObject handles serialization to and deserialization from GeoJSON formatted data, ensuring compatibility with the GeoJSON format.

Key Methods

  1. Geometry Type and State Methods:
  • func (g *GeometryObject) Type() GeometryType
    Returns the type of the contained geometry (e.g., Point, Polygon, etc.).

  • func (g *GeometryObject) IsEmpty() bool
    Checks if the GeometryObject is empty or not defined.

  • Specific Type Check Methods:

    • IsPoint(), IsLineString(), IsMultiPoint(), IsMultiLineString(), IsPolygon(), IsMultiPolygon(), IsGeometryCollection()
  1. Type Conversion Methods:
    Converts the contained geometry into a strongly typed object and returns an error if the type does not match:
  • ToPoint() (*Point, error)
  • ToLineString() (*LineString, error)
  • ToMultiPoint() (*MultiPoint, error)
  • ToMultiLineString() (*MultiLineString, error)
  • ToPolygon() (*Polygon, error)
  • ToMultiPolygon() (*MultiPolygon, error)
  • ToGeometryCollection() (*GeometryCollection, error)
  1. Marshalling and Unmarshalling:
  • func (g *GeometryObject) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
    Serializes the GeometryObject into GeoJSON format. Returns an error if the geometry is not defined.

  • func (g *GeometryObject) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
    Deserializes GeoJSON data into the GeometryObject. Automatically detects and handles the actual geometry type (e.g., Point, Polygon, etc.).

  1. Wrap existing Geometry:
  • static func FromGeometry(g Geometry) GeometryObject
    Creates a new GeometryObject from an existing Geometry.


// Unmarshal GeoJSON data (e.g., for a Point)
geoJSONData := []byte(`{
        "type": "Point",
        "coordinates": [100.0, 0.0]

err := gObj.UnmarshalJSON(geoJSONData)
if err != nil {

// Identify Geometry Type
if gObj.IsPoint() {
    point, err := gObj.ToPoint()
    if err != nil {

    // Use point
// Use a switch to check and handle the geometry type
switch gObj.Type() {
    case geojson.TypePoint:
      point, err := gObj.ToPoint()
      if err != nil {

    case geojson.TypeLineString:
		lineString, err := gObj.ToLineString()

        if err != nil {

Coordinates (geojson.Coordinates)

The geojson.Coordinates type represents a GeoJSON coordinate array (WGS84), containing longitude, latitude, and optionally altitude.

  • Longitude: -180 <= longitude <= 180
  • Latitude: -90 <= latitude <= 90
  • Coordinates must have either 2 elements ([longitude, latitude]) or 3 elements ([longitude, latitude, altitude]).
  • Longitude(): Returns the longitude value of the coordinates.
  • Latitude(): Returns the latitude value of the coordinates.
  • HasAltitude(): Checks if the coordinates include an altitude.
  • Altitude(): Returns the altitude value (if present).
  • NewCoordinates([]float64) (*Coordinates, error): Creates a new Coordinates object from a float64 array. Returns an error for invalid input.
  • MustCoordinates([]float64) *Coordinates: Creates a Coordinates object and panics on error.


coordinates, err := geojson.NewCoordinates([]float64{12.4924, 41.8902, 45})
if err != nil {

fmt.Println("longitude:", coordinates.Longitude())
fmt.Println("latitude:", coordinates.Latitude())

if coordinates.HasAltitude() {
    fmt.Println("altitude:", coordinates.Altitude())

Vertices (geojson.Vertices)

The geojson.Vertices type is a collection of Coordinates used to define geometric shapes (e.g., a line or polygon). Allows grouping multiple Coordinates into a structured, ordered collection.

Segments (geojson.Segments)

The geojson.Segments type represents a collection of line segments, constructed from groups of Vertices. These segments are commonly used to define continuous or discrete line geometries, such as MultilineStrings.

LinearRing (geojson.LinearRing)

The geojson.LinearRing type represents a closed linear ring, a sequence of connected vertices forming a continuous loop. Linear rings are commonly used in GeoJSON Polygons and MultiPolygons, defining their outer and inner boundaries (holes). This type includes methods for validation, orientation, and basic geometric calculations.

  1. Validation:
  • Ensures the linear ring has at least the required minimum points (4 coordinates, including the closing point).
  • Ensures the first and last coordinates are identical (i.e., the ring is closed).
  1. Orientation:
  • Determines whether the linear ring is ordered clockwise or counterclockwise based on the signed area of its vertices.
  • Provides functionality to adjust the orientation to meet specific requirements (e.g., outer rings counterclockwise and inner rings clockwise).
  1. Geometry Calculations:
  • Computes the absolute area of the linear ring.

Marshalling and Unmarshalling Geometries

All geometries in this package support JSON marshalling and unmarshalling Here's an example of how to marshal and unmarshal a single geometry, such as a Point:

Example: Marshalling a Point to JSON

point := geojson.MustPoint([]float64{102.0, 0.5})
pointJSON, err := json.Marshal(point)
if err != nil {


Example: Unmarshalling a Point from JSON

pointJSON := `{"type": "Point", "coordinates": [12.4924, 41.8902]}`

var point geojson.Point
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(pointJSON), &point)
if err != nil {



Contributions are welcome! If you'd like to contribute, please submit a pull request or open an issue to discuss changes.


This library is licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.