feat: drag the viewport of the minimap out of the the view;
fix: extend modelRect with description problem, closes: #2235 ;
feat: graph.setImageWaterMarker, graph.setTextWaterMarker API;
feat: zoom-canvas support mobile;
fix: drag-canvas behavior support scalable range, closes: #2136 ;
fix: TreeGraph changeData clear all states, closes: #2173 ;
chore: auto zoom tooltip & contextMenu component when zoom-canvas;
chore: upgrade @antv/g-canvas;
feat: destroyLayout API for graph, closes: #2140 ;
feat: clustering for force layout, closes: #2196 ;
fix: svg renderer minimap hidden elements probem, closes: #2174 ;
feat: add extra parameter graph for menu plugin, closes: #2204 ;
fix: tooltip plugin, crossing different shape cant execute the getContent function, closes: #2153 ;
feat: add edgeConfig for create-edge behavior, closes: #2195 ;
fix: remove the source node while creat-edge;
feat: create-edge for combo, closes: #2211 ;
fix: update the typings for G6Event;
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