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Compiling the Guidolib project

1) Compiling the GUIDOEngine
The GUIDOEngine relies on CMake, a cross-platform, open-source build 
system ( see
The cmake folder contains the project description and is used to generate 
native projects. 
Note about the project organization:
On MacOS and Windows, in order to support different architectures (win32, win64 
on windows, MacOS, iOS on mac), the library is expected to be compiled in a 'build'
folder located at the root of the project that should contain 4 sub-folders: 
MacOS, iOS, win32 and win64.

To compile for a given platform:
	change to build/your_target_arch directory
	type:  cmake ../../cmake -G "your target generator" OPTIONS
	run your project/makefile and compile

OPTIONS indicates optional components and is between:
	-DMIDIEXPORT='yes | no' to support MIDI export
Note about MIDI export:
    MIDI export requires libmidisharelight. For MacOS and Windows, the library is embedded 
    in binary form in the src/midisharelight folder. Thus there is no additional step.
    On linux, you must get the library source code, compile and install.

Note for javascript:
See readme.txt in javascript folder.

Note for Android:
    Download the Android SDK and NDK.

    From the build/tools directory of the NDK, invoke
    to make a standalone toolchain in the directory of your choice (see NDK)
    documentation for how.  More precisely, read section 4 in the document
    STANDALONE-TOOLCHAIN.html that ships with the NDK. Make sure to use a recent
    platform (at least android-18). I will call the path to your standalone toolchain
    $PATH_TO_STANDALONE_TOOLCHAIN, the path to the NDK $PATH_TO_NDK and the path to
    the SDK $PATH_TO_SDK.

    Modify your path to contain the following.  Otherwise, the compiler
    won't find things like the standard library.

      export PATH=$PATH:$PATH_TO_NDK
      export PATH=$PATH:$PATH_TO_SDK/tools
      export PATH=$PATH:$PATH_TO_SDK/platform-tools

    The GUIDO android applications use:
		- the guidoengine java package called guidoengine.jar
		- incidentally, the drawcommand java package called drawcommand.jar

    To compile this, go to the java directory and do:

    make headers
    make class
    make jar

    The jar needs to be simlinked/copied into all the android sample projects that need it
    under the libs/ directory.

    From the directory android-apps/guido-engine-android, run


    And this will build the library for android.
    To test with a sample project, read the README file in android-apps/simple-guido-editor directory.

Note for Linux platforms:
	You need to have libcairo2-dev installed to compile the GUIDOEngine.
	The procedure to compile is close to the usual 'configure' 'make' 'make install'
	steps. Actually, you can simply do the following:
	> cd /your_path_to_the_project/cmake
	> cmake -G "Unix Makefiles"
	> make
	> sudo make install

   Supporting MIDI export on linux:
   you must get the midishare source code that includes the midisharelight library:
   You don't need to compile midishare but only the midisharelight library.
   midisharelight is a recent addition to the project and for the moment, it is only
   available from the 'dev' branch. It is located at the project root folder.
   midisharelight is cmake based:
	> cd midisharelight/cmake
	> cmake -G "Unix Makefiles"
	> make
	> sudo make install

Note for Windows platforms:
	The CMake project description is "Visual Studio" oriented. 
	Using MingW may require some adaptation.
	/!\ Having .NET Framework v4.5 installed can be problematic during cmake generation
			AND during Visual Studio compilation. A downgrade to v4.0 will fix this problems.

2) Compiling the GUIDO Qt applications
You need to have Qt SDK version 5.0 or later installed to compile the 
GUIDO Qt applications.
(see at
You can use QTCreator on all platforms to compile the applications.
See below if you want to use another development environment.

>>>>>> Mac OS
To compile the GUIDO Qt applications do the following:
  > cd /your_path_to_the_guido_project/Qt
  > make projects
Next you should find Xcode projects into every application folder.
Just open the projects and compile.

>>>>>> Windows
To compile the GUIDO Qt applications, the easiest way is probably to use QTCreator.
However, if you want to use Visual Studio you should:
- set the QMAKESPEC variable to the corresponding output specification or use
  the -spec option with qmake (see Qt documentation)
- generate each project in each application folder using 'qmake'
Note that a solution for Visual Studio 2010 is provided at the root of the Qt folder.
Warning, the solution works only after the individual projects have been generated.

>>>>>> Linux
Qt can be installed from synaptic (on Ubuntu)
To compile the GUIDO Qt applications do the following:
  > cd /your_path_to_the_guido_project/Qt
  > make unix

In case of trouble, contact me: <>