Pytorch implementation of the SN-PatchGAN inpainter.
The SN-PatchGAN implemented is the one presented by Yu et al. [1,2] with some adjustments.
- Use of Self-Attention layer of Zhang et al. [3] instead of the original complex contextual attention one.
- Use of Self-Attention layer in the discriminator
Python Libraries
- Pytorch
- numpy
- OpenCV
- skimage
- click
- scipy
Below is presented an example of config file containing all the adjustable parameters with their meaning detailed on the right.
"exp_name": "SNPatchGAN", > Experiment name: to be used as output folder
"path": {
"data_train_path": "../data/train_data/", > Path to the folder of training images. It must contains only image files.
"data_valid_path": "../data/eval_data/", > Path to the folder of evaluation images. It must contains a sub-folder 'img' with the images and a sub-folder 'mask' with the binary evaluation mask.
"output": "../outputs/inpainting/" > Path to the folder in which to save the outputs.
"device": "cuda:0", > device to work on.
"seed": 42, > random seed for reproducibility. Set it to -1 to avoid seeding.
"print_progress": true, > Whether to print progress bar.
"dataset": {
"n_sample": -1, > number of image to use from the one in the train folder. If -1, all the images are used.
"size": 256, > Size of the image to use. (Square images).
"augmentation": {
"train": { > List of data augmentation transforms to use on the train data.
"Translate": { Available transformation are in src/dataset/
"low": -0.05, Each entry must be given as 'Transform_name': {**Transform_kwargs}
"high": 0.05,
"mode": "constant"
"Rotate": {
"low": -10,
"high": 10,
"mode": "constant"
"Scale": {
"low": 0.95,
"high": 1.05,
"mode": "constant"
"HFlip": {
"p": 0.5
"eval": {} > List of data augmentation transforms to use on the train data.
"mask": { > Parameters for Free Form Mask Generation:
"n_draw": [1,4], > number of drawing to make [min, max[
"vertex": [15,30], > number of vertexes per drawing [min, max[
"brush_width": [15,25], > size of the drawing brush [min, max[
"angle": [0.5,2], > angle between each vertexes [min, max[ (in radian)
"length": [15,50], > length of each vertexes [min, max[
"n_salt_pepper": [0,15], > number of additional spheres [min, max[
"salt_peper_radius": [1,6] > radius of additional spheres [min, max[
"net": {
"gen": {
"in_channels": 2, > Number of input channels of Generator (img + mask). Set to 2 for grayscale and 4 for RBG images.
"out_channels": 1, > Number of output channels of Generator. Set to 1 for grayscale and 3 for RBG images.
"lat_channels": 32, > Number of channels after the first convolution.
"activation": "lrelu", > Activation function to use. Supported: 'relu' -> ReLU, 'lrelu' -> LeakyReLU, 'prelu' -> PReLU, 'selu' -> SELU, 'tanh' -> Hyperbolic tangent, 'sigmoid' -> sigmoid, 'none' -> No activation used
"norm": true, > Whether to use BatchNorm layers.
"padding_mode": "reflect", > Padding mode of features map (see pytorch for valid entries).
"bias": true, > Whether to use a bias term in convolutions.
"upsample_mode": "nearest", > Interpolation mode in upsampling layer. (see pytorch.nn.Upsample for valid entries).
"return_coarse": true > Whether to return the intermediate reconstruction. It should be set to True!
"dis": {
"in_channels": 2, > Number of input channels of Discriminator (img + mask). Set to 2 for grayscale and 4 for RBG images.
"out_channels": [ > Output channels of the different convolution on the discriminator. It defines the number of convolution present.
"kernel_size": 5, > Kernel size to use in discriminator convolutions
"stride": 2, > Stride to use in discriminator convolutions
"bias": true, > Whether to add a bias term in discriminator convolution
"activation": "lrelu", > Activation function to use. Supported: 'relu' -> ReLU, 'lrelu' -> LeakyReLU, 'prelu' -> PReLU, 'selu' -> SELU, 'tanh' -> Hyperbolic tangent, 'sigmoid' -> sigmoid, 'none' -> No activation used
"norm": false, > whether to use BatchNorm layers.
"padding_mode": "reflect", > Padding mode of features map (see pytorch for valid entries).
"sn": true, > Whether convolution are spectrally normalized.
"self_attention": true > Whether to add a self-attention layer before the last convolution.
"train": {
"model_param": {
"n_epoch": 100, > Number of epochs of training.
"batch_size": 7, > Batch size
"lr_g": 0.0001, > Learning rate for the generator optimization.
"lr_d": 0.0004, > Learning rate for the discriminator optimization.
"lr_scheduler": "ExponentialLR", > Learning rate scheduler to use. Must be one from torch.optim.scheduler.
"lr_scheduler_kwargs": { > Kwargs for the learning rate scheduler.
"gamma": 0.97
"gammaL1": 0.995, > Gamma hyper-parameter for the Discounted L1-Loss.
"lambda_L1": 1, > Weight of Discounted L1 loss in generator loss.
"lambda_gan": 0.05, > Weight of GAN loss in generator loss.
"weight_decay": 0.000001, > Weight of L2 regularization on models weights.
"num_workers": 12, > Number of CPU workers to use.
"checkpoint_freq": 1 > Frequency of checkpoint saving in term of epoch: checkpoint saved every i epochs.
"model_path_to_load": { > Potential path to load an existing model. It must point to a valid state_dict. If null, no model are loaded
"gen": null,
"dis": null
"validate_epoch": true, > Whether to validate model ona fixed dataset.
"valid_save_freq": 1, > Frequency of validation results saving.
"stabilization_rep": 5 > Number of epoch to perform after training to stabilize BatchNorm Layers. Note that the model is not trained and only the BatchNorm parameters are updated.
To train an SN-PatchGAN with a given config file run the following:
python3 SNPatchGAN_config.json
SNPatchGAN_EXP-NAME/ > Main Result Folder (same name as 'exp_name' entry in config.json)
├── > Training Checkpoint to potentially recover training
├── config.json > copy of config file with all the settings used
├── > State Dictionnary of the Trained Discriminator
├── > State Dictionnary of the Trained Generator
├── log.txt > LOG of training
├── outputs.json > Training outputs : the Losses evolution at every epoch
└── valid_results > Folder containing intermediate validation on fixed mask. Both Coarse inpainting and
├── valid_im1_coarse_ep50.png Fine inpainting are saved respectively as 'valid_im{idx}_coarse_ep{n}.png' and 'valid_im{idx}_ep{n}.png'
├── valid_im1_coarse_ep100.png
├── valid_im1_coarse_ep150.png
├── valid_im1_ep50.png
├── valid_im1_ep100.png
└── valid_im1_ep150.png
Here is a sample of SN-PatchGAN outputs on head CT-scans.
[1] Jiahui Yu, Zhe Lin, Jimei Yang, Xiaohui Shen, Xin Lu, Thomas S. Huang; Generative Image Inpainting With Contextual Attention, Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2018, pp. 5505-5514
[2] Jiahui Yu, Zhe Lin, Jimei Yang, Xiaohui Shen, Xin Lu, Thomas S. Huang; Free-Form Image Inpainting With Gated Convolution,Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2019, pp. 4471-4480
[3] Han Zhang, Ian Goodfellow, Dimitris Metaxas, Augustus Odena; Self-Attention Generative Adversarial Networks, Proceedings of the36thInternational Conference on MachineLearning, Long Beach, California, PMLR 97, 2019