Classification of MNIST, FashionMNIST, KMNIST, and QMNIST datasets using the LeNet5 architecture.
The famous LeNet5 architecture in implemented with Pytorch
. It's composed of two convolutional layers (Conv + ReLU + MaxPool) followed by three fully connected layers (400-120-84-10) with ReLU and a Softmax as final activation layer. Each model is trained 10 times with different seeds (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)
Train | 99.362 ± 0.085% | 89.701 ± 0.441% | 98.518 ± 1.219% | 99.356 ± 0.057 |
Test | 99.445 ± 0.077% | 89.495 ± 0.534% | 96.255 ± 1.134% | 99.328 ± 0.055 |
*Accuracy presented as mean ± 1.96 std
Digit recognition (0-9) from handwritten images (28x28 grayscale). The train set contains 60'000 examples and the test set contains 10'000 examples.
The model is trained 10 times with the following parameters:
N epoch | Learning rate | Batch Size | LR decay | Optimizer |
150 | 0.002 | 128 | 0.98 | ADAM |
Cloth recognition from 28x28 grayscale images. There are 10 classes (T-Shirt/Top, Trouser, Pullover, Dress, Coat, Sandal, Shirt, Sneaker, Bag, Ankle boot). The train set contains 60'000 examples and the test set contains 10'000 examples.
The model is trained 10 times with the following parameters:
N epoch | Learning rate | Batch Size | LR decay | Optimizer |
150 | 0.002 | 128 | 0.98 | ADAM |
Handwritten Japanese Hiragana recognition from 28x28 grayscale images. There are 10 Hiragana in this dataset: お (a), き (ki), す (su), つ (tu), な (na), は (ha), ま (ma), や (ya), れ (re), を (wo). The train set contains 60'000 examples and the test set contains 10'000 examples.
The model is trained 10 times with the following parameters:
N epoch | Learning rate | Batch Size | LR decay | Optimizer |
150 | 0.002 | 128 | 0.98 | ADAM |
Same dataset of Handwritten digits as MNIST but with more test examples. The train set contains 60'000 examples and the test set contains 60'000 examples.
The model is trained 10 times with the following parameters:
N epoch | Learning rate | Batch Size | LR decay | Optimizer |
150 | 0.002 | 128 | 0.98 | ADAM |