Want to setup a simple CMS with FEINCMS but can't find a proper tutorial?
The following explanations try to make you do it step by step. If something is missing, and you know what, please send a pull request. If something is missing, and you don't know what, please send a mail to [email protected]
If you are bored with the tutorial and just want that to be working, go to the section I CLODED.
- To start this installation, you will already need:
- sqlite3, python
[Optional] you may want to create a special virtualenv for this, then do:
mkvirtualenv feincms
[Optional] you may also want versionning for that, then do:
git init
Install required packages
pip install PIL django django-mptt feincms
Start your django project
django-admin startproject feincmstuto
in feincms directory, create your app
python manage.py startapp cms
Add this in settings.py INSTALLED APPS
and uncomment
'django.contrib.admin' in settings.py
Edit also your TEMPLATE_DIRS settings and add a template folder
TEMPLATE_DIRS = ( "<your-path>/templates",)
and change your database settings with
- 'default': {
'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3', # Add 'postgresql_psycopg2', 'postgresql', 'mysql', 'sqlite3' or 'oracle'. 'NAME': 'test_feincms', # Or path to database file if using sqlite3.
In urls.py, uncomment:
from django.contrib import admin admin.autodiscover()
url(r'^admin/', include(admin.site.urls)),
and add
- urlpatterns += patterns('',
url(r'', include('feincms.urls')),
Get feincms media by doing
run python manage.py collectstatic
in cms/models.py, copy:
# Create your models here. from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from feincms.module.page.models import Page from feincms.content.richtext.models import RichTextContent
- Page.register_templates({
'title': _('Standard template'), 'path': 'base.html', 'regions': (
('main', _('Main content area')), ('sidebar', _('Sidebar'), 'inherited'), ),
python manage.py syncdb
and create an admin user
add a base.html template containing:
- <div id="content">
{% block content %} {% for content in feincms_page.content.main %}
{{ content.render }}
{% endfor %} {% endblock %}
- <div id="sidebar">
{% block sidebar %} {% for content in feincms_page.content.sidebar %}
{{ content.render }}
{% endfor %} {% endblock %}
python manage.py runserver
go to the admin page and log in as admin
go to sites and change the example.com with localhost:8000
go to Pages and click add
Add a richtext
click view on site
Install required packages
pip install PIL django django-mptt feincms
Get the code
git clone https://github.com/anthony-tresontani/feincms-tutorial.git
python manage.py syncdb
and create an admin user
python manage.py runserver
go to the admin page and log in as admin
go to sites and change the example.com with localhost:8000
go to Pages and click add
Add a richtext
click view on site