A plugin to work in cooperation with a theme, such that the theme is able to pull in recent tweets via a simple ajax call. The theme js can then mark it up as required. The plugin is made for my own convenience, so is unlikely to get much more attention unless I need to bug fix it for my own projects.
Page caching for a few hours means that the newest tweets don't show up until the cache is refreshed. I want to be able to use caching on the home page but still show recent tweets. My solution is this.
This plugin is written for developers. If you're an end user, it won't work by just installing it in Wordpress.
- PHP > 5.3 (uses namespaces)
- npm and gulp (for building it)
Build the plugin
npm install
npm run build
Simply send a request over to the wordpress endpoint with an action of anta_tweets
This is not designed as a flexible or user-friendly solution for use in wp-admin, but
simply for use in a theme. For example:
<div id="tweets" data-anta="<?php echo esc_attr(add_query_arg( array('action' => 'anta_tweets'), admin_url('admin-ajax.php') )); ?>"></div>
Then using the accompanying jQuery plugin, do this:
$(function () {
Add your api key, secrert and the twitter username in config/credentials.php, e.g.
// config/credentials.php
return array(
'api_key' => 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa',
'api_secret' => 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
'screen_name' => 'someone',