If you want to try the generator with examples, you just use the following commands.
git clone [email protected]:anosatsuk124/GodotUIXml.git
cd GodotUIXml
cd exmaples
for f in $(find . -name '*.xml'); do dotnet run "$f" --project ../; done
git clone [email protected]:anosatsuk124/GodotUIXml.git
cd GodotUIXml
dotnet run /path/to/xml/File.xml
🥳: That's it! The generated code will be saved as File.generated.cs
For more detailed examples, see /Demo/UI
and /Demo/SourcesGenerated
FileName: TestNode.xml
<Control id="root" proto_scene="my_window.tscn">
<Button id="unique1"
<Label id="unique2" Text="World"/>
<RichTextLabel id="unique4"></RichTextLabel>
<Label id="unique3"></Label>
<Label id="unique5"></Label>
<!-- With no ids below -->
<Button Text="Hello No id"/>
<Label proto_scene="my_label.tscn"/>
FileName: TestNode.generated.cs
using Godot;
public partial class TestNode : Node
// Only the elements with an `id` should be generated.
// The names and classes of the properties are determined by the `id` attribute and the element name.
public Control root;
public Button unique1;
public Label unique2;
public RichTextLabel unique4;
public Label unique3;
public Label unique5;
// All the local variable names are suffixed by the index numbers.
// `root_{index}` is a variable to `addChild`.
// `proto_scene` attribute is used to load the scene.
// `scene_{index}` is used to load the scene.
// `node_{index}` is used to instantiate a node.
public override void _Ready()
var root_0 = this;
var scene_0 = GD.Load<PackedScene>("res://my_window.tscn");
var node_0 = scene_0.Instantiate<Control>();
root = node_0;
var root_1 = node_0;
var node_1 = new Button();
unique1 = node_1;
node_1.Text = "Hello";
var root_2 = node_1;
var node_2 = new Label();
unique2 = node_2;
node_2.Text = "World";
var node_3 = new RichTextLabel();
unique4 = node_3;
var node_4 = new Label();
unique3 = node_4;
var node_5 = new Label();
unique5 = node_5;
var node_6 = new Button();
node_6.Text = "Hello No id";
var scene_1 = GD.Load<PackedScene>("res://my_label.tscn");
var node_7 = scene_1.Instantiate<Label>();