A Python tool that calculates a code quality score based on Flake8 errors and maintainability index.
This tool analyzes Python code files and provides a comprehensive code quality report by combining:
- Flake8 style checks and error detection
- Radon maintainability index
- Custom scoring system (0-10 scale)
- Python 3.6+
- flake8
- radon
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/anonymmized/Flake8-score
- Install dependencies:
pip install flake8 radon
Run the script with a Python file as an argument:
python flake_score.py path/to/your/file.py
Analyzing example.py...
Code Quality Report:
Flake8 errors: 5
Maintainability Index: 85.5/100
Final Score: 8.5/10
Rating: Very Good
Detailed Flake8 errors:
example.py:10:80: E501 line too long (82 > 79 characters)
The final score (0-10) is calculated based on:
- Number of Flake8 errors (-0.5 points per error, max -5.0)
- Maintainability Index:
- 90+ : No deduction
- 80-89: -1 point
- 70-79: -2 points
- <70: -3 points
- 9.5-10.0: Perfect
- 8.5-9.4: Very Good
- 7.5-8.4: Good
- 6.5-7.4: Fair
- <6.5: Needs Improvement
Feel free to submit issues and enhancement requests!