The GeoIP module provides GeoLocator plugins that can be used to geolocate site visitors. By default the module provides Local and CDN based geolocation plugins.
The Local geolocation plugin utilizes the Maxmind GeoIP2 databases. The plugin supports both the Country and City databases. However, it only checks for the country currently.
We require the geoip2/geoip2 library for interacting with the Maxmind database.
CDNs use their own geolocation services and often forward the information via an HTTP header.
Supported CDNs
- Cloudflare
- Amazon CloudFront
Soon there will be a "Custom header" setting for highly configurable CDNs like Fastly.
This module requires composer_manager and address module. Composer Manager will pull in our PHP library dependencies.
drupal module:download composer_manager;
drupal module:download address;
php modules/contrib/composer_manager/scripts/init.php;
composer drupal-update;
drupal cache:rebuild;
drupal module:install composer_manager address geoip
Visit and download either the City (large ~15MB) or the Country database.
Place the extracted .mmdb file in the public files directory (i.e, sites/default/files)