The tweetoscope project aims to implement a scalable and maintainable application for predicting tweets popularity in real time. The application is divided into a set of microservices communicating via Kafka middleware and deployable on kubernetes.
- Generator: The generator is in charge of injecting tweets and retweets into Kafka streams.
- Collector: Collects tweets and retweets and sends partial cascades (a cascade is a series of a tweet and its retweets) according to a set of observation windows. It also manages cascade termination to send the true length of the cascade (Tweet popularity).
- Estimator: Uses Marked Hawkes process with exponential kernels to estimate the tweet popularity based on the history of retweets.
- Predictor: The predictor receives random forest models trained offline on Hawkes parameters to adjust predictions. It also receives the real length of a cascade when it considered terminated, and sends statistics (ARE) of the predictions alongside with samples to train the RF models.
- Learner: Retrieves samples sent by the predictor from Kafka streams, when a mini batch of samples for a specific observation window is received, it triggers the training of the models (each observation window is associated with a model). When a batch of data is received, it triggers the hypertunning of the random forests. The trained models are sent to the predictor to improve the predictions.
- Monitor: Acts as a Prometheus client client, retrieves the ARE metric from Kafka streams and sent it the a Prometheus push gateway.
- Dashboard: Acts as a Prometheus client, retrieves predictions and sends alerts to a Prometheus push gateway.
** The popularity ** is received and displayed by the Prometheus Alert Manager which could be configured to send emails or notifications in case of predicting that a tweet would be very popular.
The ARE is also received by Prometheus server, which could be plugged in as a Data Source for Grafana to keep monitoring the accuracy of the predictions.
To test the project on your local machine, you can do it using Minikube (Minikube runs a single-node Kubernetes cluster inside a Virtual Machine (VM) on your laptop).
Start the cluster
minikube start
You will need kubectl to interact with the minikube cluster.
To deploy the application in the started minikube cluster you will need to copy the two files in the deployment directory, you can clone the project by running
git clone
You have to start by deploying the middleware
kubectl apply -f middleware-deployement.yml
This will run the zookeper server, the Kafka broker, the Prometheus server, the Prometheus alert manager and the Prometheus push gateway.
You can deploy the services now
kubectl apply -f services-deployement.yml
To see the status of the Kubernetes pods deployed on your minikube cluster, you can run the command
kubectl get pods
Once the status of all pods changes to run, you can visualize the performance metric and the alerts about popular tweets.
By default the topics created in the Kafka broker contain 4 partitions, so scaling up an application node to more than 4 replicas is irrelevant.
In the deployment files only the estimator is launched with 4 replicas, but also the predictor and the learner, are designed in a scalable way.
The Prometheus server and the alert manager are exposed via Nodeports. The port for Prometheus is 30187 and for the Alertmanager is 30189.
you can access Prometheus from your navigator <minikube-ip>:30187
the command minikube ip
gives you the ip of your minikube cluster.
to view the alerts go to <minikube-ip>:30187/alert
or to the alertmanager <minikube-ip>:30189
The ARE can be seen on Prometheus <minikube-ip>:30187
by typing ARE_600 (for the observation window 600) or ARE_1200 (observation window 1200) in the metrics field. But a better way to monitor the error is to use Grafana.
You can launch Grafana easily by using a docker image
docker run -d -p 3000:3000 grafana/grafana
This will run Grafana in your localhost:3000 .
We supply a dashboard.json in the directory Grafana to upload the dashboard for visualization. Upload steps can be found in the following link.
Add a prometheus data source to your Grafana and specify <minikube-ip>:30187
in your url. The dashboard should show the time evolution of ARE_600 and ARE_1200.
Doxygen Documentation was generated for all application nodes except the monitor and the dashboard.
To use a unique service from the application, docker images can be pulled from this repository
The collector can be compiled and installed as a shared library. To install the project you have to clone the repository in your machine and in the root directory of the project run
mkdir build
cd build
make -j
sudo make install
cd ../..
GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.