Releases: amrbashir/hijri-widget
Releases · amrbashir/hijri-widget
Hijri Widget v0.11.2
Full Changelog: v0.11.1...v0.11.2
Hijri Widget v0.11.1
What's Changed
- feat: update widget on click by @amrbashir in 16d6179
Full Changelog: v0.11.0...v0.11.1
Hijri Widget v0.11.0
What's Changed
- feat: add option to change when the new day starts by @amrbashir in #6
- fix: fix arabic names for Jumada months by @amrbashir in eaa5ace
Full Changelog: v0.10.0...v0.11.0
Hijri Widget v0.10.0
What's Changed
- enhance: improve workers by @elkhoudiry in #2
- ci: publish to google workflow by @elkhoudiry in #3
Full Changelog: 0.9.0...v0.10.0
Hijri Widget 0.9.0
- Auto close configuration page when hitting save if opened from widget itself.
- Changed default cell width to 3 on Android 12 and higher
Hijri Widget 0.8.0
- Add Restore to defaults button
- Add more accurate widget preview instead of an image in widgets picker on recent Android versions
- Open widget settings from launcher (Can be seen when editing widget in launcher)
- Automatically change the background color of the preview widget in settings when selected widget text color doesn't contrast well with the background
- New selected and unselected icons in settings
- Show color picker below instead of a dialog
- Fix text overlapping in widget preview when using a large text size
- Will no longer close the settings app when applying changes
- Will no longer navigate back in settings when choosing widget language or color
Hijri Widget 0.7
- Switched the hijri date source to use android built-in algorithm
- Enable or disable widget shadow
- Reduced widget shadow blur to 1px
- Change widget text size
- Custom widget color
Hijri Widget 0.6
- New look for settings app
Hijri Widget 0.5
- Change launcher icon each day with an icon that showcases the current day of the hijri month.
Hijri Widget 0.4
- Add support for Dynamic (Material You), system, Dark and Light themes for the widget
- New updated icon
- Dynamic themed icon