A CLI for demonstration of concepts in the "Mastering Ethereum" book by Andreas M. Antonopoulos
(Parity node not required to be running)
- Generate CSPRN (cryptographically secure pseudo-random number)
- Generate Private Key
- Derive Public Key from Private Key
- Elliptic Curve Check
- Derive Ethereum Address
- Ethereum Address Checksum (EIP-55)
- Generate Mnemonic (BIP-39)
- Derive Hierarchical Deterministic (HD) Wallet Accounts (BIP-44)
(To run these options, first start the Parity cluster)
- Get Parity Network Status
- Transfer Funds to Account (from admin account)
- Get Transaction by Hash
- Get Account Balance
- Create Raw Signed Transaction (transfer of funds)
- Send Raw Transaction to Network
This CLI uses node v10.14.2, some functionality may not work with lower versions.
If you're using NVM, simply run:
nvm use
Otherwise, check which version you're using:
node -v
...and upgrade if necessary.
yarn install
Start the CLI:
yarn start
Run test suite:
yarn test
Run code formatter:
yarn lint