Welcome to Database Systems!. Please modify this README file with the following info:
Amir R. Anjomshoaa, 918710278
Update this table of assignments. Set to done after one of the assignments is completed:
Assignment | Completed |
Conceptual Model | Done |
Relational Model | Done |
Indexing | not done yet |
Course Project | Done |
If a homework or the course project is not set to done at grading time, it won't be graded. The first thing I do when grading assignments is to check the above table.
Please read carefully all the projects, labs, and extracredit assignments guidelines described in this README file. Failure to follow them, may affect negatively your grade.
In this class students will implement three mandatory homeworks.
Homeworks will help you to understand concepts related to database systems that are needed in the implementation of your course project in this class.
Read carefully both README files related to homeworks and course project
All the assignments are done individually. However, group work is encoraged to help other students. In addition, the instructor will help if a students are stuck in a problem or they have questions.
If you miss a homework, you'll get a 0 in that one. (no exceptions here)
Homeworks are graded based on their completness and correctness.
Each homework has its own README file with specific docs and instructions.
Failure to follow the homework's rules may affect negatively your grade.
In this class students will implement one big programming project
Projects are individual work. However, group work is encoraged to help other students.
Students will be provided with enough time to complete the project assigned in this class. Project's due dates will be informed by the instructor in class, by email, and posted on iLearn.
Code commited after project deadlines won't be taken into consideration for grading purposes. (no exceptions here)
Students must provide complete documentation for the course project (README file, and code commented)
Failure to provide docs will result in a 30% deduction from your grade in the project.
If your project does not run, you'll get a 0 in that project. (no exceptions here). So, test your code accordely before commiting it to your master branch.
- In this class students will implement one extracredit assignment. It will be announced in class, and EC intructions will be posted on ilearn.