The functionality of both the config app and the main app has been greatly expanded. Config files made before this release may cause issues with the latest version of the browser, and should therefore be re-generated by loading them into the config app. Numerous sections to the config app have been added, so these should be filled out before saving the new files.
Additional plot types:
- Scatterplots
- Ridge plots
- Cell type proportion plots
- Pie charts for visualizing number of patients/samples by each value of a metadata variable
Additional DGE functionality:
- Define DGE groups using multiple values in a metadata variable
- Define DGE groups based on feature expression
Additional config sections:
- General info tab: for defining the title and description of a dataset, and optionally constructing a plot as a preview image
- Reductions tab: for setting the reductions to include in the main app, and the order in which they appear
- ADT threshold tab: for defining cutoffs for ADT expression
Full Changelog: v0.4.0...v0.5.0
What's Changed
- Merge multi_object_app into main by @wish1832 in #77
- Multi object app by @wish1832 in #90
- GeneCards Link in DGE Table by @wish1832 in #91
- Full control over order of groups on dot, violin plots by @wish1832 in #94
- Dataset config in YAML file (#103) by @wish1832 in #104
- Plots with thresholded ADT values by @wish1832 in #106
- Fix #108 by @wish1832 in #109
- Metadata pie chart with cell-level metadata by @wish1832 in #113
- Use YAML instead of .rds for config by @wish1832 in #114
- Fix #112 by @wish1832 in #116
- Additional .yaml file for config app by @wish1832 in #117
- Reductions menu in config app, and app wrapper functions by @wish1832 in #138
- Feature co-expression plots by @wish1832 in #140
- Config polish up by @wish1832 in #143
Full Changelog: v0.4.0...v0.5.0